Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday This and That

I wanted to begin by sharing with you the poem we put together in one of Friday's Creativity class.  Each week the facilitator brings a topic with questions that we discuss.  As you see this week was memories.  As we speak, the facilitator jots down bits and pieces that stand out and together we put together a poem at the end.  I singled mine out for you.

Memory can be like chasing a chicken around the backyard
How early can we really remember?
I remember adults looming over me.
I can remember meeting my very first friend. (Me)
Little girl, little girl can you come out to play? (Me)
Childhood from 5 to high school I have plenty of memories (Me)
I remember nothing about high school (Me)
I was in the folk singing club?  Who knew?  Not me. (Me)
Where do these memories go?
Sometimes I think my mind can only hold so much and old memories are discarded to make way for new memories

I think I have a section of memory just devoted to food!
The day I had a Russian cucumber dill salad
I absolutely hated it
To this day I can’t stand the taste of dill
Unless it’s a pickle
I’ve never had a meatball sandwich like I had that day (Me)
My grandmother’s cheese souffle
Grandma’s leg of lamb (Me)
Grandma’s Sunday sauce
It was like a memory time machine
I don’t remember the kid, or his mom, but I remember the bean soup.(Me)
A traumatic memory involves every part of you

I heard the fire trucks while I was walking home from school. (Me)
Oh my that’s my house I cried out and ran.  (Me)
Sometimes memories for me can trigger moods.
A bad memory can put me in a grouchy mood.
Later in the day I wonder why I am in such a negative state;
Then I realize it's the residue of something I should have left buried in the back of my mind.
You can’t remember it without feeling everything again
And our senses are wide open in those instances
The whole thing lives in our senses
The traumatic memories always remain.

I can't wait for the finished copy of last Friday's poem.  The topic was Dreams.

Advantage Care put together a great class on Friday eve. There were 66 of us in attendance. I didn't know anyone, but the info was so needed at this time. They talked about nutrition, exercise, and mental health in the age of Covid. When 6pm rolled around I first said that I didn't feel like attending another class as one of my favorite shows, "The Good Witch" was on, but I decided this was my health, and I could always keep myself on mute and still watch my show.

Saturday was a day of doing nothing.  Did make some beans and rice and did a little coloring, but not much more than that.  Finished up this piece for one of my great grandsons. I knew they wouldn't like fairies or mermaids, but who doesn't like a positive saying. 

I only got a couple of hours sleep Saturday night, if that.  Don't know why, but I just couldn't sleep.  Wasn't good for anything on Sunday.  So we didn't go to our favorite spot by the water.  Just did the food shopping and rode around trying to find the shop of the guy who made my computer years ago.  It's time for another one, but alas, his shop was now a bakery.  Well, it's been 8 years. I'd say we got our money's worth.  Only $250 for a computer built from scratch, the screen, the mouse, and the keyboard.  I knew we weren't going to get another one that cheap anymore, but perhaps cheaper than those we buy in stores.  But, times change, and he was gone.  Sigh.


  1. Your poetry lines are great! Very evocative.

    1. Each week it's a different topic and the poems are made up from things we all say. Wonderful idea she had.

  2. Poetry is such a wonderful way to put our dreams, our memories and thoughts into perspective.
    Your poetry lines were a poem within a poem and touchingly biographical...Stay Safe 🌷

    1. I am going to miss this class. Friday should be the last unless they get someone else to run it.

  3. That is a wonderful collective project. Memories are a funny thing. My sister and I sometimes disagree with each other on incidences in our childhood. We remember them differently.

    1. Isn't it funny how some things stand out and others don't?

  4. Memory, like time, is a tricky beast. I love your additions to the poem.
    I hope you get a lot more sleep tonight.

    1. I took a two hour nap today. That doesn't bode well for tonight. My own fault.

  5. Good to read your poetry lines ...
    Hope you can catch up on your sleep.

    All the best Jan

    1. I am sure going to miss this class. It's one of my two favorites.

  6. Mary, my friend, when it comes to memories, I seem to only remember what I want, and the rest is thrown out the window, but there are times I'll smell something that will trigger my memory bringing me back to a particular place in time no matter whether that place was good or bad.

    "The Good Witch" is also one of my favorites!

    That picture you colored is truly beautiful and I love its message!

    I have no wings, but nonetheless, there are times I'll fly!

    1. I adore that show. Watch it over and over again. I wish it came on every day like my other favorite, Golden Girls.

  7. Replies
    1. I've loved this class since day one. Shame it has to end.
