Thursday, August 6, 2020

Happy Thursday

Took a few pictures of the front of my building yesterday when I went for my morning walk. It's so pretty and green. Hope it stays like this.  Our old super walked out during the height of our Covid outbreak.  His mother used to take such good care of the plants.  Our new super doesn't seem that interested.  We will see.

 This bush flowered earlier in the season.  It was so pretty.

Had my 5th 'Grieving in a World of Loss' class last night. One more to go and then it is finished. I hope they come up with some kind of Part 2 because I sure will miss everyone there. We've not become close enough with each other to stay in contact when the class ends, but there is a kind of structure in seeing and talking to these 6 faces each week. And I do love the leader. He's brought me more comfort with his teachings than my grief counselor has. 

One thing I just have to mention. The class is a small group of women some from different parts of California where the class is located (that's why zoom class is not until 9 pm), one from the midwest, myself from the East coast, and one from Taiwan. I find it so interesting that for her it's actually Thursday morning while we are still on Wednesday evening. Why I chose to focus on that I'll never know.


  1. Plants and flowers can bring such joy into our lives.

    1. They do. Sometimes I just go stand out in front of the building just to be by nature.

  2. The azalea is beautiful. With any luck, it will bloom again in the fall. I love the blue hydrangeas.

    Sorry to hear that your class is coming to an end but so glad that it helped you through this time. Maybe you could discuss extending the sessions at your last class.

    1. It's really beautiful up front. It irritates me when people walk by and toss their garbage in.

  3. Replies
    1. They are so beautiful. I'm blessed to live in an old, but well taken care of building.

  4. Such beautiful photos! It must be so good to see all these gorgeous plants whenever you go outside!😊😊
    Oh I'm really glad you have those women to communicate with. When tragedy strikes, we really need people around us who understand how we feel.
    I guess that focus on the small details helps to detract from your pain...

    Stay safe, my friend 🙏

    Much love and hugs ❤❤❤

    1. I found the class by surfing the web and looking for something on grief. I sure was lucky to find this one.

  5. I like Arleen's suggestion about extending the class. And, perhaps if the class can't be formally continued, some of the other participants would be happy to meet up via Zoom.
    I am so glad that the plants are around to give you some beauty.
    And, as I type, it is early Friday morning here.
    Stay well, stay safe.

    1. I'm not sure. I'll find out Wednesday what is going to happen.

  6. Lovely photographs of your nearby blooms, such lovely colour.

    It's a shame your class is coming to an end, it has certainly helped you. I wonder if it may be possible to extend the sessions?

    All the best Jan

    1. It would be nice to extend sessions, but I wonder if they would. It's based on the book and we are finishing the book.

  7. The first word that came to mind when I saw the plants and flowers in the front of your building was "charming". They really make it look cheerul. I hope your new super will keep them looking pretty.

    Sorry to hear that your class is coming to an end. Maybe everyone in class will decide it would be nice for all of you to keep in touch.

    1. It would be nice to continue, but I only wish it wasn't so late here. Past my bedtime, but I gladly stay up for it.
