Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Roundup

Well, as we come to the end of another week, it's time to reflect over the week that was.  Actually, it was fairly blah.  Didn't even get to our favorite spot by the water on Sunday due to the weather.  Monday was just another day.  Made some beans in the morning then just spent the day reading, watching tv, and coloring.  Not very easy to get a nap anymore.  The construction workers are so darn noisy.

Tuesday I made a few phone calls and then lay down for awhile.  Didn't attend the 2 pm class.  I've been having some bad sleeping nights, and they caught up with me.  My eyes were so heavy.  Couldn't sleep with the noise, but it felt good to rest my eyes.

Wednesday was a nice cool morning, a bit of an autumn tease.  Went for a nice long walk in the morning.  At 10 we had Game Day.  Hoping it wasn't the last one.  Still waiting to hear from the intern if she will be allowed to stay on.  Personally, I see no reason why not.  She is NOT on the payroll.  But one never knows what kind of regulations they have.

New coloring book.  I don't really like it.  Beautiful pictures, but I like to take special ones and frame them.  No perforated pages in this book.  Think I am just going to put it out in the lobby for someone.  I have plenty of other books to color.  This was just not what I expected or wanted.

When you lose a loved one the simplest thing can set you off. I was doing a crossword puzzle yesterday morning and one of the questions was 'Competitor of Nike?' The answer was a brand I never heard of. Tears started to flow when I thought about how my son would know the brand. He loved his sneakers. I miss him so much.  

Counseling went well yesterday.  I continue to point out the positive changes I have been making.  'Yes, I have cried.  Little things come up and I cry.  But I am not sinking into a deep depression.  I am socializing as well as I can during this pandemic, getting out for walks, keeping myself busy with things I enjoy.  It's natural to cry.  I will probably come to tears throughout my life when something comes up that reminds me of my son."  I wanted to tell her that doesn't mean I will need to be in therapy the rest of my life.

Creativity class this morning.  Hope to hear some news about whether the intern is going to continue. 

On a sad note, I found out an old Blogger buddy lost his battle with cancer this week.  It's been at least 6 years that he has been fighting it.  He was losing his site so he gave up Blogger and kept his page on FB.  For those who may remember him, his blog was called Bogaman's Blog.  I know there are a few of them who may remember him.  I know he followed your blogs.  RIP Steve White.  Fly high with the angels.


  1. You have had a week of ups and downs and I admire your determination to keep moving forward with only a glance in the rearview mirror.
    I am sorry to hear about you fellow blogger.

    Hugs 🌷

    1. Thanks Jan. I have been doing the best I can. I'm so tired of this social separation though. I want to be out and with my friends. Sure I see them on zoom, but it's not the same as a real life hug.

  2. Of course it is natural to continue to cry. I am very glad that you continue to point out the positives to your counsellor. Hopefully she will learn from it.
    I am sorry to hear that you have lost a blogger to cancer. A truly nasty disease.

    1. I met Steve on Blogger when I first came here about 9 years ago. When his eyesight got bad he just kept FB.

  3. You are healing well from your grief, which is a tribute to your resiliency and positivity.

    1. Thank you Debra. I have my days, but that's to be expected.

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