Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday Ramble

This will definitely be a ramble because yesterday was a lost day for me.  Spent most of it sipping peppermint tea and nursing a sour tummy.  Was it worth it?  Definitely.  As a family we spend far too little time together.  But, will I eat so crazy next time?  I don't think so.  Not after this little bout.  

My silly family.  Carrot out of the nose, celery out of the ears.  We have so many laughs when we are together.

A normal family picture.  

Found an old notebook with a couple of dreams I had in the past.  Have to start paying attention to them again.  If I don't write them down when I wake up, most of them disappear.  But there are some that stick with me.

Dream 1:  I was at a senior center. There was one row of seats on each side of the huge room. After lending my magazines to two women so they could save their seats, I left mine to ask a question of someone. When I got back someone had taken my seat. I sat in another chair and found that the goody box they gave us was empty so I was looking for the people who put them together. Next thing I knew I was in their psychiatrist's office and he was accusing me of taking drugs. He made me take off my clothes so he could test them. Imagine how I was feeling sitting around naked with all these people around, but I was more embarrassed about his accusations. He said he wanted to keep my pants for further testing and gave me some unsewn pants that were held together with huge safety pins. Later I found myself running around the city like that. Last I remember I had gotten home, called a lawyer, and went back to the center to complain and tell them I was suing them. Then I woke up. Never did find out if I got rich or not.

Dream 2:  I guess it was morning because I was sitting in a bar sipping a lemonade with some friends, and I kept saying my boss was going to be mad at me because I was going to be late for work. Little kittens were running around all over the place. The dream, conversation and all, seemed so real until I realized I didn't have any shoes on so I told the people I was with that this was only a dream. They didn't believe me. I also remember telling them that it had to be a dream because I wouldn't run around Manhattan in bare feet in the dead of winter...and the job I was supposedly going to I hadn't worked at in 20 years.

Moving on we finally left and I found myself lying on the ground in front of the place frolicking with all the kittens. Everyone else was gathered around talking. Finally I got up and said, "This really does have to be a dream because I don't have my cane.'" We all started to go our separate ways.  I started to follow the one person I knew was going in my direction, but he was going so fast I couldn't keep up. Then I found myself in a subway station with many trains. No one could tell me how to get where I was going.  I woke up.

Have a good one.


  1. I always forget my dreams as soon as I wake up too.

  2. I rarely remember dreams. Nightmares yes.
    Love those family photos.

  3. It is only the very rare and very strong dreams that I can remember most about. I used to keep a journal on my nightstand but I got tired of working with in the middle of the night then try to go back to sleep. Guess I should try to start doing it again.

  4. I forgot most of mine too. Every now and then, I'll have a snippet of a dream stick with me or something will happen and it will pop in my head. Usually none of it makes any sense lol

  5. I do sometimes remember my dreams …
    Lovely family photographs.

    Happy wishes for the new month of May - it will soon be here :)

    All the best Jan

  6. I love and adore your family!
    How wonderful to have such a great time!
    I love the idea of a dream journal but I must admit my dreams would just put people to sleep :)

  7. Haha, I just love your family pictures...that first one is brilliant! It looks like you were having lots of fun!!
    I am very interested in dreams, and was astounded to read about yours! There are so many similarities between these and mine, especially about the psychiatrist and the being anxious about being late for work at a place you haven't worked for years! I have recurring dreams about those subjects. I guess you'd describe then as anxiety dreams!
    Makes me feel a lot better to know I'm not alone in this, so thank you so much for sharing yours.😊😊

    Have a super day xxx
