Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Ramble

Friday morning greetings.  Another week finished, and a weekend with no plans looming.  Probably will work on some jewelry and do some cleaning tomorrow.  Then Sunday will head to church, then home to pick up the cart and head to the fruit stand.  Unsure what else is on my agenda.  

Monday was not the best.  All classes were canceled.  No Wellness, no Food for Life, and no guest speaker.  Sigh.  I do wish they would get it together.  I know it is not the same as the substance abuse program I worked for.  When we were going to be off, we had to find coverage for our groups, but they DO get grants from government agencies like we did so you would think they would put more effort into it.  It seems like as long as bingo goes on, all is okay.  Well, it's not okay for those of us who enjoy the classes.  

Tuesday I spent the day in the kitchen cooking.  Lots of food in the freezer.  Soup for me, and hubby is going to eat well next week.  

I also spent some time making earrings on Tuesday.

Wednesday we finally had the Food for Life class, and I enjoyed it.  We made a simple, four ingredient healthy cookie.

Oatmeal, bananas, raisins and chocolate chips. Smash banana until almost liquid, add oatmeal a little at a time stirring. Then add chocolate chips and or raisins. Baked on parchment paper at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. Delicious.

Next week they say it will be held on Monday.  We'll see.

Yesterday was the dreaded weigh in.  Don't know how I did it, but I lost .8 pounds. Whew! Stayed within goal. Lesson learned this month. Stay away from chocolate marshmallow Easter eggs.

Yes, I am owning up to the error of my ways. Can't resist those marshmallow eggs at Easter, and even though WW allows you to eat what you's always in moderation. Have an marshmallow egg, enjoy it, then move on. Don't have another one the next day....and the day after that...and so on.

I'm also once again on my peanut butter kick.  They happen once in awhile. It's been like this for years and years. I can go for the longest without having it and then suddenly? I have to have. Sometimes I go to bed with peanut butter on the mind and have to get up and have some. It's not bad for you, I know, but it sure can put on the pounds.

Have a good one.


  1. My newfound weakness is the caramel coconut eggs out for Easter! Never even knew they existed until I saw one and make the mistake of trying one.

    1. Oh, I love them, too. Haven't seen one here yet, but they've been a favorite since childhood.

  2. Bingo is fun but as you said they are receiving grant money for more than Bingo.
    Congrats on the weight loss. Seems you weren't so bad after all :)
    Love the earrings!
    Those cookies make my mouth water :)
    Have a great day Mary!!!

    1. The cookies are very yummy, but I think a touch of vanilla is needed.

  3. Your food looks GREAT! Now I AM hungry lol! Your earrings are so lovely. Have you ever thought about making some to sell at a craft fair or anything like that? I am sure that they would certainly sell. :)

    Have a great day!!

  4. Congrats on staying within your WW goal! I go on a peanut butter kick every once in a while too. Then I go off it again for awhile. Funny how that works!

    1. Yup, in a few weeks peanut butter will be a thing of the past....until the next craving starts a few months down the road.

  5. Well done on staying within your goal. I do find moderation (in too many things) hard.
    Hooray for a fridge full of meals.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thankfully I have everything I need because the budget is tighter than I thought this month. It's hard for me to do moderation on foods that I love.

  6. One marshmallow egg and then 'move on'....yeah....right.....we are dealing with a food addiction here've GOT to be kidding.

    1. Those Russell Stover marshmallow eggs are the best. And it's only once a why not enjoy.

  7. Those earrings you made are beautiful!

  8. I can really sympathise with you...eating treats you love in moderation is always really difficult. I, too, find it hard to resist...and then feel guilty when I succumb! I guess these irresistible cravings must be programmed into us through our genes! Lol
    Oh I love your earrings...they are really beautiful!!😊😊

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

    1. Indeed. I eat until I finally have my fill. This marshmallow egg craving seems to be over now. Lasted about a month. Peanut butter? Now that's another story.

  9. Well done on the weight loss :)

    All the best Jan

  10. Well done staying in your goal! Those damn eggs! LOL! Those are alot of earrings Mary! Wow!
