Sunday, July 18, 2010

Too Hot For Anything

"The beautiful season...the Summer of All-Saints.  Filled was the air of with a dreamy and magical light and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Good Sunday afternoon to you all. Hope everyone's weekend is going well, and the heat is not getting you down. I wish this WAS a delightful season for me, but, truth be told, I've spent the entire weekend indoors and do not plan to leave the house until tomorrow when it is time to go back to work...not that it hasn't been warm in here, but at least I didn't have to be outdoors in that stifling air.  It's just a dreadful, so disappointing. I'd so many plans for this year, but it's just far too hot to do anything.  Why, I even canceled my trip to the 99 cent store because it was just too hot for even that.  The walk in the blazing sun, well, it's not that I needed anything, so it's just not worth being uncomfortable.  

"What dreadful hot weather we have.  It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance"--Jane Austin

And there is no relief in sight. Temperature is going to be in the upper 80's and 90's throughout the upcoming week.  Lawns that are usually so green in the summer are just brown and straw-like as they are in the winter.  There are few flowers to enjoy, and the leaves are already changing color. Even my yard at night is stuffy and hot. Those poor animals who live outdoors in our heart goes out to them. We need a miracle.


  1. Hi there! Just thought I'd stop by for a little visit. I'm part of the trinket exchange with Faerwillow. It's going to be fun. I know what you mean about the heat. For the past few weeks we've been experiencing temps in the high 90's. It makes me want to stay inside.

  2. Love that Jane Austen quotation -- "inelegance" -- ha ha! I hope it cools off soon for you, or rains, whichever comes first.

  3. Love,love,love your new template design. :0)

    Give me a hint on what you did.

    Just remembered...forgot to set out fresh water for the critters. I'm OFF! :0)

  4. I am sorry the heat is so intense. Sadly the planet is warming up and I personally believe it will happen more often.
    In SE UK we have had the driest siz months since 1929. The trees are suffering....this makes me sad. Like you, I worry for wildlife.

    I do hope that cooler temperatures arrive and the grass is once again green........

    Beautiful blog by the way.......

  5. Oh Mary, I so hear you about these temperatures! Like you, there is no relief in sight. Suppose to be 96 with storms this afternoon. So looking forward to Fall this year!

