Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday Morning and the Sun is Shining Again

Another week begins.  The sun will be shining brightly today.  That's something I have missed.  For the past week I have been dodging raindrops as I made my way to the denter.  Today I have my jewelry class at 10 am.  I usually come home after lunch.  I used to stay most of the day, but during the past year my IBS came out of remission, and I never know when it will act up on me so I'd rather be safely in my home.  

Sunday was a busy, but quiet day.  Did lots of cooking.  Made some pasta and meat sauce for dinner.  Had some with a salad which I try to have every day.  My bloodwork was so off it has me worried.  I'm sure though that it can be traced to my bad habits during holiday time.  Of course I had my Golden Girls morning marathon.  

I haven't mentioned much about Ralph yet.  I am so afraid for him.  His glaucoma has progressed and now he has lost his peripheral vision.  He uses like four eye drops daily to keep his pressure from rising too much.  His emphysema hasn't progressed much, thank goodness.  But it hurts me to see him having to sometimes struggle to catch his breath.  And now, on top of everything else, he is diabetic.  We're thinking one of his lung medications has casused this because long term cortisteriod use can mess with your metabolic function.

Below are two of  the paintings I did in guoache class.

Actually I was about to toss this one in the garbage when I friend said she loved it and could she have it.  She framed it and has it hanging in her apartment.

Well, that's about all for today. Hope you all have a fantastic Monday.


  1. Your gouache paintings are lovely! I can see why your friend wanted the one with the golden tree. I took a gouache course just very recently so I'm still getting used to working with that medium.

  2. The paintings came out so good. It's raining here today.
