Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm having one of Those Days

Good afternoon.  Boy, am I late.  Been so busy this morning.  Not a moment for myself.  Even started work one hour early.  I'm really not up to par today.  I don't even know why I am here.  But, I had to catch up on my work before I get more new people next week.  I'm feeling pretty out of it today.  My roommate was very sick yesterday, and now, here I am with it...a chest cold.  I know, I know...I should be home in bed, but sometimes I can be pretty foolish.

I'm feeling kind of sad and lost today.  Can't put my finger on it.  Probably because I am sick.  My mind is thinking clearly.  I am forgetting things.  Like, since I started my diet and stopped drinking Pepsi, I have developed a taste for Arizona Black Tea.  And I was trying to tell someone about it, and I couldn't think of the name...All I could think of was Amazon.  I did an entire psychosocial on the computer and didn't press 'save' so now I have to start the whole thing over.  One of those kind of days. I brought my yogurt and forgot to put it in the now I won't eat it.  

I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up, but I've most certainly had a hard time of it.  So, with that, I'd like to leave you with a saying I have on my office wall.  It's written in a heart and at the bottom is a red rose.  I often meditate on it when I am feeling bad.

"When we can't have what we love, we must love what we have." 


  1. Like a wise Lady friend of mine used to say,"This to will pass". I like the saying you ended with. Never heard it before. X.

  2. I hope the day got better or at lest tomorrow will be better !
    Sending good thoughts

  3. Telling people you've developed a taste for Amazons is how rumours start! TGIF!

  4. hey Mary.. are you drinking lots of plain water? that will flush the toxins from your body from the pepsi and also help the fuzzy forgetfullness xo

  5. I have been fuzzy headed a lot lately too. I think it's perimenopause but no one listens to me.

  6. I second the water, but have a hard time taking my own advice. Not to jump on the "Mercury Retrograde" band wagon, but it is coming up next week, and we are in Mercury's shadow, so it's a good time to start that "one thing at a time" mantra, and give yourself a little forgiveness for any errors that might occur in the next while.

    Super-big hugs to you, Mary! Do get some rest this weekend (and hopefully some sunshine!)

  7. So sorry that you have a cold. I think maybe you were thinking about that tax return and just came to mind. LOL Wishing you better before the weekend.

