Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday This and That

Good Monday morning.  Wish I could say I had a quiet weekend, but that wasn't meant to be.  Of course on Friday I went to the center.  Had a delicious lunch of veggie lasagna.  I love how they make it and savor every bite even though I know it's not the best for weight loss.  I'm beyond depriving myself though.  At 72 I want to enjoy.

On Saturday I got up early and headed out to a WW workshop.  Irks me that some of these bus drivers don't wait for you to sit down, especially a senior with a cane.  Well, the bus lurched forward and I just about lost my footing, but a Chinese girl reached out to help me.  I thought I was okay, but when I got off the bus, and especially when I got up after the meeting, my back was aching.  I must have wrenched it a little.  Needless to say, when I got home I put in a complaint with the MTA.  It happens too often. 

Took these pictures of the garden in front of my building in full bloom.  It is gorgeous.

On Sunday I realized it was the last day of the month and remembered that I didn't get the rest of the bill money from the bank so I ran to the bank and stopped at the store for the ice cream I have been craving.  After this weekend, though, fun and games are over.  I really have to get back on track or before I know it I will be right back where I was.  The girl at the desk on Saturday told me to get on the scale, off the record, so I could see where I was so I would know what I would have to do.  Sure enough I was 2 pounds over goal.  Granted, I did have my sneakers on and wasn't wearing my WW clothing which is much lighter, but it was a REAL WAKE UP CALL.  

I'm really worried about my kitties. It's going into the third week since I've seen them, and I am not getting a good feeling. They were ALWAYS here at some point during the day. I asked my neighbor and she has not seen them either. I like to think that during the colder months they came to us for food, but now that summer is here, food is plentiful for them, and they don't need us. But I can't see any kitty turning down Pounce...unless a feral cat has different tastes. Have to keep thinking positive about them.

Have a good one.


  1. Sorry to hear about your back. Yes, I hope those kitties are okay too but, you know, life on the streets is hard.

    1. Life for a feral is very hard. They don't live very long. So sad.

  2. How terrible that your back went out again through no fault of your own. Feel better soon 💮
    I know you feel discouraged about your weight gain but tell yourself that what goes up, must come down :)
    So sorry about the kitties not showing up. Maybe someone was kind enough to give them a home...think positive.

    1. That's what I keep hoping. Doubt they got a home, but maybe someone is feeding them better than we did...although I don't know how.

  3. I hope the back pain goes away quickly and I I hope your kitties come back. I know from experience that cats are fickle and come and go as they please. They might disappear for weeks and then, all of a sudden, they return.

    1. I keep watching for them. Hope to see them any day now. If one was missing it would be one thing, but there are 4 of them missing.

  4. I am very sorry to hear about your back. And hope that the cats return. Could they have been taken to a shelter?

    1. I doubt they were taken to a shelter. One cannot get into the property. If not in our yard or next door, they are in the transit property which is gated.

  5. Why do bus drivers do that?
    So many times while travelling by bus I've had similar experiences.
    The moment you are in the door they pull away, when they should really be allowing the passengers to find a seat before doing so.
    I think you were absolutely right to complain. It is a dangerous practice.
    I do so hope your back is better soon.

    I wonder where your kitties have gone. I can understand how worried you must be. Here's hoping they make an appearance real soon, and so put your mind at rest. Not knowing is the worst feeling, isn't it?

    Believe me, are definitely not alone! I keep being tempted by my favourite "treats", especially as I'm feeling pretty stressed about my health concerns at present.
    I have definitely found that stress = comfort eating!
    I do try to behave...but keep having head cravings!!😉

    Lots of love and hugs ❤❤❤

    1. Stress definitely does lead to comfort eating. I know that all too well. Found a delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream though that doesn't have as many calories. Yummy. Still know sign of my kitties. I have to take a walk over and check out the MTA grounds to see if there is any signs of them.

  6. Why do many bus drivers do that!!!
    I do hope your back pain goes away quickly.

    Love the blooms in the garden.

    All the best Jan

  7. I'm so sorry about your back! I hope it's feeling better!
    Take it easy on yourself with your weight! You'll get back on track!
    I hope your kitties are doing ok! Sending well wishes that they are!
    Big Hugs!
