Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Roundup

Good Friday morning.  The end of another busy week.  Monday was a bit of a flop.  Love my wellness class and it was canceled because the facilitator was absent so I sat around for that hour reading, doing a crossword puzzle, and chatting.  My friends were not there so I was pretty much on my own, and it's a hard thing to bust into the little cliques that were already formed.  So a bit of polite conversation was about it.  But there was a fantastic lunch so it was all worth it.

 Made this with some of my new beads.

Tuesday the cold winds of winter had returned, and I had run to do the rest of my banking.  Bills must be paid this week. Finished off the last of my birthday cake and promised myself that would be the end of the poor eating habits I have had lately.  Time to get back on track, but not on the scale...not yet.  Going to take me two weeks to lose what I put on.

Wednesday was a bit of a disappointment.  The new Food for Life class was supposed to be held at 10 am so I rushed to get there in time, only to find out that they had changed the time to 1:30.  I'd already made plans to have our laundry picked up after 1 pm so I couldn't stay.  And lunch was supposed to be Chicken Parmesan but they served chicken cacciatore instead.

Not that I'm complaining.  It was very good...and the veggies were out of this world--had a teriyaki flavor-- but when you have your heart set on some stringy melted mozzarella....well you know how it is.  Fortunately, the Holistic Medicine class did take place.

Got some good reading material on Thursday.  Found the magazine in the Rite Aid across the street from WW, and found the book waiting for me when I got back home.  So much to keep me busy this weekend.

And so, here we are.  Friday.  It's off to classes soon.  Pet Bereavement this morning.  My little girl passed a few years back, but the pain lingers.  I never did get to process my loss.  Hubby loved her, but he just doesn't understand....and at the time I was attending another senior center.  I'm with tears in my eyes and people are telling me. "Just think of the money you will save," and "she was only a cat."  Can you believe how cruel some people can be.?  Will be good to be able to talk about it with people who understand.

Have a wonderful weekend. 


  1. Let me know what you think of Luneae Weatherstone's book -- she's a favourite author of mine!

    1. Have you read this one? I realized after I bought it I've had it on Kindle for a few years now so this will be a re-read for me.

  2. Love your gorgeous blue necklace that you created! Stunning!
    That was to bad that things got changed on you.
    I agree...some people don't understand that our pets are so much more than just pets...they are family.
    Have a wonderful day Mary 🌞

  3. Great post! Your necklace is so pretty - love the color blue! Your dinner looks delicious also - I love both chicken recipes. I should have been born Italian because I could live on the food for sure.

    The book and magazine look interesting - especially the book with Brighid. ;)

    I know what you mean about heartless people who refuse to try to at least understand such a heart-breaking loss! I have found that no matter what, time helps but you never truly get over it - they are a part of your life FOREVER! My thoughts are with you, Mary.

    Enjoy the warmer weather.

    1. It was great out today and the group was awesome. It helps being around people who understand the loss of a pet.

  4. OOH I want to read that book too. Do tell how it is.
    People can be so dumb. I'm sorry that said those things to you.
    I know when I get teary-eyed over my Sylvie, I get eye rolls. Like
    shouldn't you be over it already. After it happened I was told I had 3 days to "get it out of my system" or else I'd have to go to a therapist. I still can't wrap my head around that one. Anyway, I do hope the bereavement classes help.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry. People are so cruel. It felt good yesterday to be able to talk about my loss and have people understand what I am feeling. I still sit and cry for her. I think it's because I never had the opportunity to talk about it.

  5. Those darn bills. And next month April I have to send off our taxes.
    Coffee is on

    1. Looking forward to the money coming in, but not to it's slipping through my fingers so quickly.

  6. Your necklace is so pretty! The food looks so yummy! Only a cat? Never! They are our fur babies! That book looks so good! Tell us all about it! Big Hugs!

    1. I will definitely tell you about it. Been missing you.

  7. Love your necklace, such a nice colour.

    It's such a shame that there are people who don't understand that pets are so much more than just pets, they are part of family.

    All the best Jan
