Friday, September 28, 2018

I'm Back....Almost

Good morning everyone. It's been a long haul here, but the end is in sight. They SAY this should be the last day, but I hear this every day so I will believe it when I see it. They finished plastering the bedroom and now for the paint. In the kitchen they still have to do the outlet tiles and behind the stove. Don't need no mice coming in here again. In the hall I happened to notice that they left the spot where the old light fixture was broken open. I think he thought that was new, but it must be closed. And the bathroom has to be painted. I wonder. Will they get this all done today?  Maybe if they put in more than 2 or 3 hours.

I do have to get to the bank for bill time, but I hate not to be here to supervise this guy.  I just don't think he is professional.   Up in the air about going today.  Actually, I haven't been anyplace since this began, no WW, which by the way is no longer Weight Watchers, but I will explain that in the future, no classes, no church...only one trip to the store.  Not much of a life, is it?  In fact, I had a strange dream last night that I'm pretty sure relates to my life as it is now.

Hubby and I went to the movies, only when we got there, it wasn't your normal movie theater.  It seemed more like a church outing.  And men went to one place and women to the other.  The huge room we were sent to was not even movie theater like.  We were seated on folding chairs and there were hundreds of us.  Suddenly, in the middle of the film, an announcement came that everyone had to evacuate.  Nothing serious happened, it was just that movie time was over and the place was closed.  Talk about a mob scene.  And suddenly, there I was left, everyone gone, and my coat, pocketbook with all my ID and credit cards, and cane was gone.  I looked all over the place but couldn't find any of it.  Then I couldn't find hubby either.  I stood in the parking lot in the snow, yes, it was snowing, with no money, no ID and no way home.  Don't remember the middle part, but the dream ended when I went back the next day to check out their lost and found.  

The dream was so realistic that I got up and checked for my purse the first thing.  It then hit me that much of my identity HAS been taken away with all this mess.  Not only have I not been able to participate in the activities I love, but my home is an extension of me.  It's my wonderful quiet place filled with magic and fantasy, and it's all been taken away.  Right now I am searching to find it again.  Did manage to get a little decorating done again:

On the plus side, this disaster has brought all of us neighbors together.  Even the lady next door who used to slam the door in my face knocks on my door to see if I need anything.  My other neighbor, the young girl I have been help, hugs me warmly when I see her.  A Chinese women who never said anything, only gave nasty looks, now stops to chat when she sees me...and that's only the tip of the iceberg.  I'd say I know just about everyone in my building now.  We are all in this together.

Have a good one.


  1. Welcome "almost" back! Your decorations look great! Good job!

  2. Great news Mary!!! We've missed you!!!
    It will be nice to have you blogging again.
    Also great to see you decorations back in place...good for you 🎃👻🍁🍂❤

  3. I hope that it is indeed very nearly finished and you can reclaim your life and your identity.

  4. "On the plus side, this disaster has brought all of us neighbors together." … that is good, and I'm hoping that all is very nearly finished for you.

    I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Sending positive thoughts to you.

    All the best Jan

  5. That is very interesting about your dream Mary! I think it has alot to do with what you have been going through! I truly hope this is all done soon! Love your decorations!! Can't wait to hear about Weight Watchers??
    Please take care and welcome back! Big Hugs!
