Sunday, January 17, 2010

Greetings and Ramblings on a Rainy Sunday Afternoon

Good afternoon on this rainy Sunday.  I finally finished putting everything back to where it belongs...not an easy task, mind you.  When you live in an apartment in the city, you have to become very creative with your storage.  I actually live on the first floor of a two-family house, but I don't have access to storage.  So, what I have is some under-the-bed storage and a few very large colorful cannisters I stack in the corner of the room.  There are so many decorations that I cherish.  I was just showing my son today a decorative candle I have had for 19 years...and the first decoration I bought for our tree, the first Christmas hubby and I were together.   

All and all, I worked very methodically and with a plan...and I must say, all went well....until.  I have a fake tree which comes in two pieces.   Actually, I have had it for 19 years so you would think I knew better, but when I tried taking the top piece off, I just couldn't do it.  I kept trying and trying, and it wouldn't budge.  The branches were scratching me, and I was tugging and tugging, and still nothing.  That called for a few choice words (a rarity from me).  At that hubby and son came running...and very easily separated the two pieces.  I had been trying to separate them in the wrong spot.  I have to learn that sometimes I have to stop being so darned independent and ask for help.

All my books are snug in their new places, and like Rue, I have discovered a number of books I haven't even opened.  What happens to me is that I will be reading a book, and that book will mention another book...which I will then look up at Barnes @ Noble...and if it looks good, it goes on my 'wish list'.  Then, when I haven't gotten a package for awhile and feel the need for some new books, I order.  And of course, I must order more than one book for the free shipping...but by now, that is not the issue.  Now I am sitting there trying to make a decision of which books I really, really want.  Trouble is, I want all of I end up ordering three or four...and never get around to reading all of them.

So, everything is put back in its place, and this is usually the time my post-Christmas blues begin.  It's like January and February are such long, cold and dreary months.  It's funny....Christmas is here and gone in what seems like a  flash...but that wait til Spring seems like an eternity.  Why is that, I wonder?  But, we do have Imbolc approaching, and that is another of my favorite times of the year.  Brigid is my goddess and I look forward to Her special day.

So afterwards, when all was in its place and spic and span,  I lit a candle and went through the house repeating the following little  Irish House Blessing which has become another tradition for me.  I'd like to share it with you if you don't mind. 

May Brigid give blessing,
To the house that is here...
Both crest and frame;
Both stone and beam'
Both clay and wattle;
Both summit and foundation;
Both window and timber;
Both foot and head;
Both man and woman'
Both wife and children;
Both young and old;
Both maiden and youth...

Plenty of laughter,
Plenty of wealth,
Plenety of people,
Plenty of health,
Be always here. 
Both man and womane


  1. I have to say that was quick... now relax and enjoy the rest of your sunday afternoon

  2. Like you, Mother Moon, I cut out a lot of my decorations. Oh, yes, I still go overboard with the living room. but I used to decorate the entire house.

  3. I'm taking down our artificial tree today and putting it away. That's why I'm reading blogs right now! Just a little bit of procrastination!

  4. Just do it and get it over with. LOL!!! It's really not an easy task. I sure breathed a sigh of relief when it done.

  5. Your book buying habits sound like mine... I feel the need to be expecting something in the mail, so I 'window shop' online, I see a book but then the temptation of that free shipping comes up and how easily I persuaded to order more (which is just why they offer that!!).. So now I too have a lot books I haven't really used yet. Now I am trying to make sure I at least crack the covers on some of them before ordering more.


  6. Easier said than done. My son gave me a gift certificate and there were so many sales I ended up ordering 5 more on Friday...but who can resist books for $3.99?

  7. That's a beautiful house blessing, thank you for sharing with us. I'm glad to hear you got everything all done up.

    I am the same way with books. Technically I suppose I shouldn't buy any new books again until I go "shopping" in my own stacks and read some of the things that I haven't gotten to yet. But what fun is that? ;-)

  8. Glad you got your decorations away without throwing the tree out the window! Lol - I can just see your husband and son running!

    The house blessing is lovely, and so perfect for Imbolc time!
