Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday This and That

Good morning everyone. It's pretty rough here in New York.  The death toll is rising quickly, and it's just so frightening.  I couldn't stop the tears yesterday. We're the epicenter in this country, and it is devastating.   How did this all happen?  How did we let it happen?  

I understand we had been warned but no one did anything.  It was called a Democratic hoax.  Not going to get into politics here, but I have to say thank God for our Governor.  He's become the voice of the nation, and many are calling for him to be President. People all over the country are listening to him.  He tells it like it is and places a human value on it.  He talks of love and supporting each other, of family.  Even those who were against him are now touting praise about how he is handling this crisis.  The voice of reason.

I'm trying my best to stay busy.  This afternoon is my first zumba class, and I also plan to check out what Silver Sneakers has on line.  My legs are growing weak.  Not much walking to be done in a 3 room apartment.   I have started reading "The Red Tent" again.  Love that book.  It's the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah.  What an awesome tale.  

 I highly recommend it.

They have continued delivering meals to me.  On Saturday I received 5 dinners--Pasta with Bolognese Sauce,  Turkey chili with rice, Salmon with rice, Chicken Florentine with brown rice and string beans, and Chicken with seven vegetable couscous.  It's not the tastiest, but I appreciate it so much.  Money is very tight here so everything helps.  And I appreciate those volunteers who are delivering our meals.  We elderly are not forgotten here in our city.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Not too long ago, I watched the miniseries that was made of "The Red Tent" about 5 years ago. It was excellent. I've never read the book though. Keep safe, Mary!

    1. It's great. Wish I could watch the series, but it costs money that I can't afford right now.

  2. So happy to hear that you and your family are okay.
    I have listened to your governor for awhile now on TV.
    He is a caring but strong body in government and he is knowledgeable.
    Keep reading and escape reality for awhile.
    The meals you receive may not be the most tasty but they still give you and hubby nourishment.

    Take care and stay safe 🌷

    1. Just doing what I can to stay busy. Telephone calls from the center and to my peers helps.

  3. I am so glad that you continue to be safe (even if you are a bit bored and frustated). Huge thanks the world over to the people who keep things running. Who knew that supermarket workers would be our heroes.

    1. Hoping you are doing well. This is such a nightmare.

  4. Stay in and stay safe, dear friend. You have found ways of connecting and they will get you through this.

  5. I am thankful for Governor Cuomo also, and I live in the Midwest. He has been working hard for the medical personnel to get enough protective gear. He has been taking action to get things done and has been speaking truthfully about this virus and not sugar coating the reality of it.

    Take care. I have so often thought of you and your husband as the reports out of New York are on the news.

    1. It's really getting bad here. Sometimes I just sit and cry, but we're strong, and we are doing what we are supposed to do.

  6. I've had my eye on this book for awhile. But have yet to pick it up. Maybe when life resumes, I can get one at the thrift store. They always have a few copies.

  7. Stay in and stay safe …
    So pleased the meals are being delivered to you.

    Keep strong, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  8. Mary, your Governor has high praise in Canada too! I am so happy about the meals being delivered to you! Big Hugs!
