Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday This and That

Good Monday morning.  I'm heading back to class today.  Line dancing, meditation, and arts and crafts.  I'd started working on a gorgeous bracelet before August break.  Hope I can remember now how to finish it.  You know how it is when you get older.  Showers are in the forecast today, and it's much cooler.  I don't like traveling in the rain anymore.  Oh, I love the rain, but my fingers lock around the umbrella handle, and it hurts like heck when I open them.  That's why I try to do exercises for my wrists and fingers as much as possible.

Had a quiet, but busy weekend.  Ran to the fruit stand on Saturday, then settled into a day long marathon of "The Good Witch" on Hallmark.  On Sunday I went to church and then to the market to pick up a few things.  I had the urge for pasta and needed a few items. Then, after getting drenched on the way home, spent the rest of the day getting ready for the upcoming week and relaxing.  Can't believe I went from sweltering in the heat a few days ago to wearing my flannel gown last night.  Mother Nature can be quite changeable when she wants to be.

Last night I spent some time going through my old photo album.  This time of the year was especially magickal to me when I was a child.  I loved  walking home from elementary school with my friends and kicking fallen leaves of red, orange, and gold  with my feet.  Even more fun was creating huge piles of leaves and then tossing ourselves into them...and when we weren't throwing ourselves into them, we were picking out pretty leaves to take to school for Autumn projects.   About this time of year I always helped grandma pick her grapes and watched her make her jellies in the basement.  Forget about the raspberries.  My cousins and I  took care of them.  Nothing like a fresh berry right off the bush.
So this is the pasta I was craving.   We don't have things like this often, but sometimes I just feel like a nice pasta dish. We'd had pasta only last week so I decided on something different. Just tossed everything together, and it came out so good.  Ingredients:  elbow macaroni, chop meat, mixed veggies, tomato sauce, garlic, onion, green pepper, bay leaf, red pepper flakes, beef bullion, and a wee bit of harissa spice.  I love that harissa.  Adds a touch of heat, but not too much.

Got a couple of new melts for my wax burner.  

Autumn Equinox.  I plan on using this one on Mabon.  It smells so good.  It's a blend of cedar leaf, lemon, pine, spiced fruit and earthy musk undertones.  Perfect for the changing seasons.
I don't drink coffee anymore, but I love the smell of it.  It's a blend of vanilla bean, hazulnut coffee and a hint of chocolateThis one is wonderful. Hubby got up and quizzically asked, "Are you making coffee?"  He knows I don't drink it. 

Started making a hat for one of my great grandsons.  It's easy now, but wait until I have to remove it from the loom and close it.  I think I'll take it to class and let the instructor show me how. 

Made a couple of gifts for the males in my life as well.  With what I am making in class, I pretty much have the females taken care of.  Now it's time for the males. 

Have a fantastic Monday.


  1. September's return to school was always my favourite time of year when I was a kid too. I loved school so much!

  2. Looking through family photos is always bittersweet for me. I am so happy to see the faces of those I love and then sad because so many have passed-away. But, I cherish all of my photos.
    Your pasta dish looks delicious!
    Great that you are keeping your hands busy with your knitting and making useful gifts at the same time.
    The melts for your wax burner sound delightful!
    The gifts for the men look lovely.
    I so love autumn and autumn leaves! I loved your memory that you shared.

  3. GREAT STUFF! Love the jewelry and gifts, too! That pasta dish looks delish ... made me so hungry just looking at the pic.

    I do the photo album, cherished memories thing a lot myself. :)

  4. Just love looking at old photo's, they always bring back special memories

    All the best Jan

  5. The pasta dish looks so good! We are going to be making pasta salad tomorrow! Your blog back ground is so pretty! Line dancing? How fun! The hat is looking great! Love the necklaces for the males! Big Hugs!
