Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday Ramble

Gosh, can't even remember how far into this quarantine we are now.  Half the time I don't even know what day it is anymore.  Every day is the same, but when I start feeling down, I repeat a quote going around FB "You're not stuck at home. You're safe at home. One word can change your attitude. One cough can change your life."  

Some beautiful flowers from summer's past in Brooklyn.

So, what have I been doing?  I've discovered 'Outlander' on Starz, and all I can say is, 'what took me so long?'  It's fantastic, and I can't get enough of it.  It's a struggle for me between reading "The Red Tent" and watching the show. 

Found out the other day that we have a new super. Just like that. The old super is gone without a word, and a new one has moved in. To show you how quickly it happened, on Saturday the old super was here and by yesterday he was gone. Moved out and in in the middle of the night. No good byes to tenants who had befriended he and his wife. Nothing. Now that is a strange one.

Going to be a busy day for me. The center has some great classes on zoom, and I'm looking forward to them. Game Day at 9 am, Meditation and Mindfulness at 11, and Tai Chi for Arthritis at 2. Hoping that I get this zoom set up so I can see my peers. I can on this PC, but I don't have sound on here so I'm working on setting up on my laptop...which, I'm not too familiar with. Have to start setting up early.

Stay safe my friends.  Prayers that this nightmare ends soon.


  1. I love that FB saying...perfect!
    Beautiful flower photos to enjoy. Thank you.
    Wow! That was odd about your super and done quickly.
    Hope you get everything setup and you can be sociable and learn new things, too.

    I agree! This is a nightmare.
    Take care and be safe 🌷

  2. Yes, "Outlander" is great, isn't it! Jamie and Claire -- ooooooh!

  3. Oh, and just saw a meme that says today is Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay. Hahahaha!

    1. LOL!!! I saw this too, thought it was quite accurate :D

  4. Five words:
    James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser!!!!
    I've been watching from the start. Watched 1-3 three times, season 4 twice. On season 5 now of course.
    Wentworth episode, in season 1 is the hardest episode to watch I think.
    I could go on and on. The books are excellent! I highly recommend reading them.

    I'm trying to stay sane lol. I've been hiding out in the game world playing Warcraft, leveling my characters. OR trying to paint. Though I also have shows to catch up on too.
    Planting seeds indoors, trying to figure out where we'll put the garden. Then when the weather turns back warmer, we'll maybe go do some digging up and ground prep. Then we'll sow what needs direct sowing.
    Yes days are blurring together, I'm losing track myself. Can't believe it's April already!

    1. Ah, I agree, that episode was tough to watch. Hubby got up and left the room.

  5. Mary, those flowers truly are beautiful! I love flowers, because they show the softer side of life!

    I certainly hope you're well and keeping safe my friend.

    1. I love flowers as well. I took them one year because most don't realize we have a lot of beauty here in Brooklyn. I hope you and your wife are staying safe as well.

  6. That FB quote is lovely - and a change from the nastiness which so often smears the app.
    Love your flowers.
    Stay well, stay safe and have a heap of fun zooming. Which I ned to set up too.

    1. I just learned Zoom and I highly recommend it. Lots you can take on there.

  7. Ive been out of the loop with reading blogs lately and as I started to read I was like...I have to head to moonrise’s first to see if she is ok!!!!

    1. Oh thank you. We're quarantined here in the house. It's scary times here in New york.

    2. We are also on stay at home orders in Maryland.....but it hasn’t gotten nuts in terms of sickness it had in NYC! But I watch what is going on there with fear and trepidation because it’s most likely coming our way and soon AND I watch with sorrow for everything y’all are going through right now!

  8. What a joy to see those summer blooms, a very cheerful sight :)

    All the best Jan

  9. I've not watched too much of Outlander on tv but the books are wonderful and, I think, much better.

  10. I love the FB quote and I love the flower pictures!! Big Hugs!
