Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday This and That

Don’t worry about being worried. You’re heading out on an adventure and you can always change your mind along the way and try something else.

Tracy Kidder

Good morning.  Happy Monday to all.  Time marches on, and another week begins. I'll be starting at the new center today.  I was there on Friday for the enrollment process, and I cannot wait to begin.  They offer so much more.  Basically, they offer all that I need right now.  I'm looking forward to starting he arthritis exercises, but also mobility and flexibility, and balance.  The best part of it is the exercise program is overseen by a licensed physical therapist.  There was some exercise at the other program, but basically clients handled it.  Frankly, I feel much safer beginning an exercise regimen run by a professional than by a client who exercised to a video tape at home.

It's funny how we get locked into things and allow ourselves to get locked into something in the belief  that there is nothing better.  As a newcomer to retirement, I believed when others told me that they'd been to other centers and the one I was attending was the best. I wanted to believe them because I trusted them.  They'd been going to centers a lot longer than I, so when they told me this was the best, I stuck with it. And probably it is to them because they find joy in playing bingo and cards day after day.  I want something more.  
Started with my fall decorating this weekend.  Couldn't put it off any longer.  I've been yearning to do it, but with temps in the 80's it didn't seem right.  Now the temps are dropping and I am more than ready.
Every year I buy something new for my collection and this was it.
And I brought one of the oldies brought out of retirement.  Still have much more to do, but that's a start.  

Took a walk to the fruit stand on Saturday.  It was so nice and cool.  Fall was definitely in the air.  Bought lots of healthy stuff.  Noticeably missing was the low salt potato chips and cookies.  Plums and blackberries took their place.
Made a pan of oven roasted veggies.... 
...and had them with a small lean steak and salad.  

I've been sticking to it well, and surprisingly, on WW Points Plus you are allowed to eat quite a bit.  I wasn't hungry at all.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me.  I have to do this.

Well, it's time for me to get a move on.  Buses are totally unprepared for the school crowd and running late, so I'd best leave early to be there in time for exercise class.  Have a good one.