Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Day Before

Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away without either inviting them to stay or desiring them never to depart. If your heart can be
like this, you will be near to the way. 
Zen Buddhist teaching

Good morning on this rainy day. Hopefully, it will call it down like they say it should.  Something has to give. 

Well, tomorrow is big day...the day that one world ends for me and another begins.  How do I feel?  Both exhilarated and sad. Saying good-bye to the job doesn't phase me at all, but saying good-bye to people, now that's a different story. All week as clients bid their final farewells, it just didn't seem possible that I would never see them again.  

I am also aware that both the clients and staff have something planned.  I can't help it.  I'm nosey.  I've heard clients talking of something special for Friday group, and on Tuesday, when I went into the file room,  I saw a list on the office manager's desk. Of course I had to look. Turned out to be some of the foods my co-workers were bringing to my retirement  party----ribs, buffalo wings, homemade chicken lo mien, macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, sausage and peppers, chocolate cake.  Yummy!!!  Forget my diet tomorrow.  I'll just try a little bit of everything.

Hubby will be picking me up.  I hate making him come to the city.  The last time he picked me up it took us two hours to get home what with all the traffic.  I've not that much to carry.  All my little stuffed critters will be given away, each to a member of staff.  My books, I am leaving.  No need for these books anymore.  I'm not planning to work in the field again.  But, there will be little gifts and perhaps some of the extra food so it will be nice to be picked up. 

Well, it's time to get a move on.  Have to stop on the way in to get some blood drawn.  Forgot I had an appointment with the endo on Monday.  (It doesn't end)  I wonder if they will all be so anxious to see me when I am on Medicare.  See  you tomorrow.

Once we see that everything is impermanent and ungraspable
and that we create a huge amount of suffering if we are
attached to things staying the same, we realize that
relaxing and letting go is a wiser way to live. Letting
go does not mean not caring about things. It means
caring about them in a flexible and wise way.

Jack Kornfield


  1. Have a wonderful day Mary. It will be bitter-sweet of course, but soon you will begin your new routine - freedom!! Yay!

  2. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Last Work Day!!!!!!!!!!



  3. Think of today as "Retirement Eve" -- ooooo, it's so close!

  4. Wow, Mary it's almost time for one door to be closing and a new adventure waits for you. Savour every bittersweet moment as it will never happen again. S0 excited for you.

  5. Good morning dear friend.....I'll bet you are doin' the "Snoopy happy dance". Onward and upward as they say!!



  6. One more sleep! So excited for you -
    I remember back awhile ago when it seemed like it would never get here and here it is! :)

  7. I am just so very, very, happy for you my friend, I wish it was me that could be retiring as well, for I can hardly wait for that day!!!

  8. Have a beautiful day tomorrow! I'm glad your husband is picking you up. I think tomorrow should be a little different, and you'll have his company the whole trip this important day, no matter how long it takes you to get home.

    Your celebration sounds fun and yummy. Good idea to give up the diet for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you..

