Thursday, February 8, 2024



Christmas.  2024.  In April it will be 4 years since my son Anthony  passed away.  When he first passed, his brother and I were both receiving signs that he was still around us.  For example, I'd be watching television and something would drop from the counter in the kitchen.  Another time my son was visiting and as we were sitting around chatting, the new memorial vase I had purchased rolled off the chair I had put it on. 

But, there has been nothing lately......until I went to set up my little tree this year.   A strange thing happened when I went to untangle my lights. I always just toss them in with the idea that I'll untangle them the following year. Then I ask myself the question "Why didn't I untangle them before putting them away?"

This year they were especially tangled and as I got closer to the center of the tangle I discovered the following Angel necklace was wrapped tightly around. Took me forever to get it out. The thing is,  I am the only one who handles the tree and decorations, and I have NEVER seen this necklace before. I have no idea where it came from. Very strange and has me wondering if this was a message that my Angel is watching over me. Or is it a message from Anthony.

My son and I went to visit Anthony's grave on a very cloudy day.  While we were there the sunburst through the clouds with rays landing on my son's grave.  The clouds are still in the sky but the sun is blinding. We couldn't even look in that direction.  The same thing happened at another visit.  Unfortunately I didn't get a picture.


  1. Every little sign is welcome and comforting, I'm sure.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. The necklace is pretty.

  3. I do believe in signs and think that is definitely one to show that you are loved and remembered. God bless you- loss of a child is so very hard. xo Diana

  4. I'm sure you find comfort in this.

    All the best Jan
