Friday, February 2, 2024

It's Friday...Yipee!

 I don't know why I'm excited.  I'm in for a busy weekend.  Food shopping tomorrow morning, and cooking most of the day on Sunday.  I still cook and freeze meals so I don't have to cook something every day.  This is one of those weeks that I am very low on meats so there's a lot to be done.

It's a rainy morning here in Brooklyn.  Showers off and on....and of course, more gray cloudy skies.  Doubt the groundhog will see his shadow today.

As for the week, it was a normal busy.  Monday my jewelry class which has really grown in size.  We started with two tables and about 5 people and now we have to put 4 tables together and still there is not enough room for everyone.  The old center will be closing soon as they have purchase a modern 2 story building, and we will have our own room for the jewelry class.  What a relief that will be.  It's a pain in the butt getting everyone to get things together at 11:50 so people can use that table for lunch.

On Tuesday I had watercolor painting and I have to say I have not improved very much in all that this time.  I honestly can't get into watercolor.  I prefer acrylics which we will have in the new center.  

Later in the day we had two very handsome Army reservists come in to speak about Emergency Preparedness.  They had a rapt audience of  us old ladies who, during those moments, wished we were younger.

On Wednesday was rock painting....and that I have show some improvement.  That was followed by a meatball and spaghetti lunch and the Healthy Video hour.  

Thursday is usually a day off for me....unless there is a delicious lunch.  Yesterday they had vegetarian chili, and they just don't have the knack for making it.  Always gives me a tummy ache.

Today I have my coloring class, lunch and then home to start my weekend.  Lunch today is always some kind of fish which I don't eat, but I will take it home for Ralph and I'll take the brocolli for me.

Happy weekend everybody.


  1. Glad the centre is keeping you busy and active! And a new building soon -- that's exciting!

  2. The rock painting came out so pretty! I've made some jewelry in the past pretty much just earrings and necklaces though. Now I just make them for myself if I see a pair of earrings that I like and they're real expensive I just try to duplicate it for myself.

  3. It sounds a good week.
    I think your rock painting looks great.

    Have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan
