Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Enjoying a quiet morning,
of what will soon be a busy day,
peace, quiet, solitude,
soon to ends as the world around me comes alive.

(My morning writing for Awake August)
Good morning everyone. Looks kind of gray out there, and I understand that it is going to be a warm and humid day.  In fact, they say it is  going to be really miserable for the next few days. This morning I'm off to register for classes this morning. So excited and looking forward to September.   Stopped at the 99 cent store and bought all my supplies yesterday. 

Spent all afternoon tearing everything apart looking for my pencil case.  After the fiasco last year with my white jacket, I don't take any chances with my pens.  Couldn't find it and was ready to stop and buy a new one today when I sat at the table this morning, and there it was sitting in the back by my napkin holder.  I'd forgotten that I'd needed a pen a few days ago and had already taken it out of its summer hideaway. Oh, the aging memory.  (Sigh)

I'm thinking of having my lunch at the cafeteria before I come home, but that all depends on what is on the buffet. Still on soft foods so tuna should be fine, but what to have with it is the question. Also want to check out those pudding parfaits. Yummy.

Have a good one.