Friday, May 16, 2014

FrIday Roundup

 There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. 

Jane Austen

 Taken yesterday while waiting for the bus.  Talk about a gray day.
Ah, Friday has arrived, and the rain is beating against the window.  I won't be going out today.  Don't need anything from the store, and I never attend the Center on Friday, and I ran all my errands yesterday. Besides, this is my first day staying in in over a week. I'm not that 20 year old who used to run day and night. Time to give the body a rest. 

So, what has happened this week?  Not much.  I guess I live a pretty boring life.  Went to the Center Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Met a nice new friend, someone I have something in common with.  We're pretty much the same age (she is a couple years older), she worked in the hospital as a social worker, and retired last year just as I did.  And she was just as relieved to meet me as I was her.  

It's not that I don't like the other ladies and gents there. I love them and the wisdom they have to offer. It's just that we have little in common, and sometimes you need someone who really understands where you are coming from.  As I have said previously, most of the ladies I have met are in their 80's, a whole generation ahead of me, and most stayed home for most of their lives taking care of children and husband.   I started working at 16 and could not imagine what it would have been like to not to. I love my computer and Smartphone.  They can't be bothered.  Even Annie, as much as I have grown to love her, has never known what it was like to be employed.  When her first husband passed she remarried, and when her second passed, she found herself a live in boyfriend.  As she says, "Two is enough.  I like it better this way. You youngsters had the right idea."

I was looking for a book on Amazon the other day, and I always like to look by publication date.  Newer books and those in preparation to be published on Kindle are listed first.  Well, I did a double take, and I sure do hope it was a misprint.  I found two interesting books I would like to read.  Problem was the publication dates were July 1, 2099 and January 30, 2912.  When I read that they were available for pre-order I almost fell off my chair laughing.  None of us will be around then so why pre-order something you can never expect to read?

So, what's on the agenda this weekend?   Not much.  The fruit stand tomorrow and Church on Sunday.  Guess I'll take some time to pack away my heavy winter jackets as well. Don't think I will need them anymore this year.  Or, at least, I hope not, but with this crazy weather pattern one never knows. And with that, I will leave you with the following thought....
There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day. 

Alexander Woollcott

See you all on Monday.  Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. It's not easy making friends when you're older. I have a lot of acquaintances hare but few friends. But I learned a long time ago you need only a few real friends. I'm glad you've found one!
