Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And the Summer Begins

"The question, "Which is the happiest season of life?" was asked of an aged man.  And he replied: "When spring comes, and in the soft air the buds are breaking on the trees, and they are covered with blossoms, I think, 'How beautiful is spring'; and when summer comes and covers the trees with its heavy foliage, and singing birds are among the branches, I think, 'How beautiful is summer.' When autumn loads them with golden fruit, and their leaves bear the gorgeous tint of frost, I think, 'How beautiful is autumn.' And when it is severe winter, and there is neither foliage nor fruit, then I look up through the leafless branches as I never could until now, and see the stars shine in God's home."- Source Unknown

I had a wonderful Midsummer despite the fact that I had to work.  On  Midsummer's Eve,  after burying my herbs in the ground along with my troubles and setting out a few little cakes for the fair folk, I sat quietly outside in the dark until the wee hours of morn...just marveling at the magnificent universe above.  I knew I was going to feel it yesterday, but I just couldn't seem to pull myself away, and yes, I was so, so tired when that alarm went off, but feeling so much at peace with myself.

I'm not gonna lie.  Work was a struggle.  Once I ate my breakfast, my eyes just wanted to shut, and I wondered why I hadn't just called in sick for the day.  I'm kind of lucky where I work in that we are allowed to burn incense and scented candles, so shortly before Solstice I lit a lavender scented candle, closed my eyes, and quietly said a prayer welcoming the new season.  No one asked what I was doing.  And I didn't care if they did.  They all know that I am a Druid and pretty much know all about my beliefs.

Later that night after a light dinner of chicken and a salad, I chopped up some watermelon for dessert.  I have to tell you, though, my mouth was watering for our traditional strawberry shortcake dessert, but the fact is, I've not been doing well on my diet, and I am pretty much ashamed of my lack of will power. 

And then, it was off to bed, very early.  Forget about White Collar and Covert Affairs.  I'll see the reruns on Saturday.

So, tell me dear friends, how did you spend your Solstice?


  1. No shame, no shame. Lessons learned to carry with you on your journey. These pounds were gained overnight and they will take time to lose. Each time I have a binge, I walk away from it with a lesson.

  2. -sigh- We had one of those *weird* days, which one is glad, don't come along very often.

    I kept thinking about it being the Summer Solstice. But...........

    Well, we all have to have a *weird* day now and then though. Hope today is better. :-)

    Glad you had a goooooooooooood one, all round.


  3. Oooops, that wasn't a good day all round. It was a good Solstice, in parts. With some tiredness and etc., thrown in.

    Hmmmmm... Kind of like most days hu? The good with the bad. :-)

    We have to remember the good!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Will I ever stop? -giggles-

    Actually, after the weird day's happenings, I did some "inside work." As in, realizing that I can not, not, not, not, not even think about changing anyone else. Not even think about "helping" someone else.

    The wisdom of knowing we can only effect ourselves. And the freeing up of ourselves, in the knowing this. The stopping wanting to help/change others. -sigh-

    Sooooooooooo... What I meant is, I guess that even though it was a trying day, in the end, I came to Wisdom. Any such day, has to beeeeee a gooooood day! :-)

    My husband is so much better at living with such Wisdom. I fight it, all the way. -sigh-

    Being one of those silly have-to-do-something about stuff people. Sad and silly. I have to work harder at Wisdom.


  5. Good morning sweet know....after reading this post thoughts ran to another topic...."seasons of life". I didn't realize today was summer solstice....thanks for reminding me. Anyway....back to my original thought "seasons of life." I would have to say that right now....what I call "the autumn season" of my life is the best. I know so much better who I am and my purpose here. I have struggled many....many....many years with trying to fix other people's can probably relate LOL LOL.....not focusing on I should have been doing. Not being in the present and just enjoying life as it has been given. Hopefully I am wiser in that area now...I know life is a journey and we all slip from time to tim.....but I do try to be "in this season" of my life and enjoy every minute of it.

    Thanks for this insightful post today.

    Stay well and stay happy dear friend,


  6. If it's any consolation....neither have I my friend....neither have I!

  7. That sounds wonderful! In the afternoon, The Bard and I took a walk and I picked some greenery to make a wreath. I made the wreath and hung it on the front door. Then wemade our bonfire in our new outdoor fireplace (bowl) and I threw the herbs in, sat and drank some mead, lit an incense stick offering in the garden and sat and watched until the fire went out. It was great!

  8. Belated solstice blessings Mary... hmm my diet not so good either no willpower at all here.... dont feel bad just or beat yourself up it happens .......... move on wiser and stronger x x x

  9. We drummed and sang in the backyard to encourage all the flowers and veggies to grow.
