Thursday, June 3, 2010


"Procrastination is like a credit card.  It's a lot of fun until you get the bill."--Christopher Parker

Good morning, everyone.  Couldn't figure out what I wanted to call this post...."Procrastination" or "Be careful what you wish for."  Actually, either will suffice.  Remember back awhile ago?  When I was gloating about how I got out of going to a training?  Well, my friends, it's time to pay the bill.  Yup, it caught up to me so later this afternoon I'll be sitting in some boring training which could have been over with two weeks ago...had I not thought I was getting over.

Some of us never learn...and I am sorry to say, I am one of them.  I am a procrastinator.  Not with everything.  There are a lot of things I am on top of.  My work, for example.  An auditor can walk in today and find all my charts in order...there's two week's worth of food cooked in the freezer...a clean house, ironing done for the week...but things I don't like to do?  Well, suffice it to say, I've never been one of those people who 'just do it and get it over with'.  I think that somewhere, deep in my subconscious, I feel if I put it off...maybe it will just go away. Look how long it took me to get my dental work done...and I am still not finished.  I am still procrastinating.  

Everyone procrastinates.  We put off things because we don't want to do them, or because we may have too many other things on our plate. Putting things off is part of being human. It may simply be a matter of poor time management.  Typically, procrastination is not viewed as a problem unless it disrupts some area of a person's life.  Do you have something important that remains unfinished?

"A wise person does at once, what a fool does last; both do the same thing, but only at different times."--Lord Acton

Now, let's see, I can always put this training off again...but that is what makes the difference between the fool and the wise person because each time I put it off, the next one gets further and further away.  The one I so deviously talked myself out of had a bus that dropped you off right in front of the building.  The one I am scheduled for today is quite a walk in the 90 degree temperature...and the next one coming up is way up in the Bronx...over an hour train ride away.  So, let's see...will I be a wise person or a fool?  


  1. Did you get the training completed???

  2. Actually, not yet. Have to be there at 1:30. Then, I have one more to do...another one that I procrastinated on.

  3. I'll leave you a comment on this topic tomorrow! I promise!

  4. love the cat on the sofa... says it all doesn't it....

  5. ~procrastination can be the death of me some days...quite guilty of such...hopefully you have chosen the wise today! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  6. Just had to say I love your virtual cat! How can I get one?!?

  7. I procrastinate. I like the adrenaline rush I get trying to get it all done at the last minute:^) X.

  8. I think we all fall into the procrastination pit in some areas of our life. If not, we would be robots.

    You are fabulous and I've left an award for you on my blog today.

  9. All of us procrastinate about things in our life. I can understand the dental appointments and training, neither are fun things to do. Did you get it out of the way? Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

