Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Roundup

Even the woodpeckers owe their success to the fact that they use
their heads and keep pecking away until they finish the job they start.

Coleman Cox

Good morning everyone. Looks like we are heading into a heat wave here in Brooklyn. Won't catch me out there running about. I don't get along with humidity and only step out when absolutely necessary. Plenty to keep me busy here at home.

So, things went well at the dentist yesterday. I'd thought it was a husband/wife team, but it was his daughter who shares the office with him. A father/daughter team. And she was so nice. She fixed me up. hopefully, and now it is just a matter of healing up the sores. For now. As gums shrink more is to be expected. But I will say yesterday I felt so good and so proud in Weight Watchers.
Congrats to me. I did it. Not only hit the 50 pound mark but went past it. Lost 2.2 pounds bringing my total to 51.2. Granted I have been on soft foods, but I could have chosen higher point fattening soft foods, but instead I stuck with well cooked veggies and fruit smoothies. Check out my coin.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, a WW buddy pointed out that it has been a great July for me--Leadfoot left, teeth done and looking beautiful, and hit my 50. It has been a great July.

Had my first almost solid food last night and savored every minute of it. I made an omelet--eggs, creamed spinach, and one slice of Weight Watchers American cheese. Very little chewing involved and it tasted so yummy that it's a new favorite for me.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Congrats on hitting (and surpassing) your WW 50! That is a hard thing to do and a notable achievement!

  2. Congratulations! Woohoo!!
