Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday Check in

Each fairy breath of summer, as it blows with loveliness, inspires the blushing rose.

Author Unknown

Good morning.  It's going to be another hot one with heavy showers on the way in the afternoon. No plans on going out. This morning I want to cook up some cauliflower and broccoli. When I cook them to the point where they are soft, I can eat them. I know I have probably cooked out most of their vitamins, but right now I have no choice. Will be cooking up two meals for Ralph as well.. Bought myself some tiny shell macaroni and I hope to be able to eat them with sauce.

All in all, though, life is good. I'm healing and making progress, and where I once felt depressed and hopeless, I am now looking forward to eating solid food again. I know it's a process, and once the pain goes away I will have to learn how to chew again, but one step at a time, and I will finally get there. Yes, life is good.

Lost another .6 pounds this week.  Slow but sure I am doing it.  Gosh, when I think of it, two years ago at this time I couldn't even walk a block without losing my breath or leaning against something because I was in pain.  Life is good.

My poor hubby.  He really tries. I had been whining the other night that I wished I could eat some chicken,  but I couldn't chew it at this point.  He went to work and brought me home a chicken pot pie from Kentucky Fried. I opened the fridge and there it was with a little note, "This is soft so you can eat this. Enjoy"  So sweet of him, and I love him for the thought, but it wasn't exactly something I could 'really' eat.   Soft is one thing, but healthy?  Have you ever checked the nutrients on this?

People that don't have deal with high blood pressure usually don't pay attention to stuff like this, but I am always concerned...and then there is Weight Watchers to think about.  You are going to be shocked at this one.  Looked it up online. 2,120 mg of sodium and 32 Weight Watchers points. And the day before weigh in? I took a spoonful to make him feel good, and then I guess I have no choice but toss the rest. He won't eat it. Never see any homeless around here. For me, it's a killer--both for my health and my weight.  I hate to waste food, but I just can't eat it.  Wouldn't it be nice if these places made their food healthier so we could ALL enjoy it? 

Got some great ideas for Lammas food.  I think soup is the way to go at this point.  

Have a good one.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday Check In

Old Time, in whose banks we deposit our notes
Is a miser who always wants guineas for groats;
He keeps all his customers still in arrears
By lending them minutes and charging them years.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Good morning everyone.  Sure has been hot and humid around here. It's been so hot here you can fry an egg on the sidewalk.  I've been staying in mostly.  Hate to see the AC bill, but I'd rather sacrifice in another area than suffer.  TodayI have to go out.  Bill time again.  I swear, these months fly by faster and faster.  We'll already be celebrating Lammas on Monday.  I can't even remember Beltane it went by so fast.  And soon it will be time to go back to school.  Have to get over to the college and register next month.

Been working hard on my schoolwork and just finished my project and final for Healing with Whole Foods and sent it in.  Now I wait for my grade.  Just received word on my Dietary Wellness course.  Got an A on that one.  Now I am working on Human Anatomy, not a favorite subject but one that must be done so I figured I'd just get it out of the way.

Still dealing with problems with my mouth.  I have pretty much adjusted to the top, but on the bottom I keep getting sores in one spot so I've been unable to eat anything but soft foods as of yet.  I realize it's not even a full two weeks yet, but I get depressed because I love to cook and love to eat what I cook.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever have a piece of chicken or a steak again.  They have adjusted it twice, and when I leave the dental office I am feeling good, but by the time the day is over, I'm right back in pain.

This upcoming Sunday eve I am off to see my son in his first off-Broadway play.  I am so proud of him.  He knew what he wanted, and he went after it knowing how tough it was.  I'm so looking forward to it, but also secretly hoping that they don't want to go to a restaurant afterwards.  Don't know what to order if they do. Any suggestions?

Have a good one.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Roundup

Even the woodpeckers owe their success to the fact that they use
their heads and keep pecking away until they finish the job they start.

Coleman Cox

Good morning everyone. Looks like we are heading into a heat wave here in Brooklyn. Won't catch me out there running about. I don't get along with humidity and only step out when absolutely necessary. Plenty to keep me busy here at home.

So, things went well at the dentist yesterday. I'd thought it was a husband/wife team, but it was his daughter who shares the office with him. A father/daughter team. And she was so nice. She fixed me up. hopefully, and now it is just a matter of healing up the sores. For now. As gums shrink more is to be expected. But I will say yesterday I felt so good and so proud in Weight Watchers.
Congrats to me. I did it. Not only hit the 50 pound mark but went past it. Lost 2.2 pounds bringing my total to 51.2. Granted I have been on soft foods, but I could have chosen higher point fattening soft foods, but instead I stuck with well cooked veggies and fruit smoothies. Check out my coin.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, a WW buddy pointed out that it has been a great July for me--Leadfoot left, teeth done and looking beautiful, and hit my 50. It has been a great July.

Had my first almost solid food last night and savored every minute of it. I made an omelet--eggs, creamed spinach, and one slice of Weight Watchers American cheese. Very little chewing involved and it tasted so yummy that it's a new favorite for me.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Smile, it lets your teeth breathe. 
Author Unknown

Good morning everyone. It's going to be a hot one today. Humidity is beginning to slowly creep back up. This morning I am out of here early. Have to make a stop at the dentist before heading to my Weight Watchers meeting. Couldn't even eat a banana yesterday without problems and pain. Getting so frustrated here. I knew beforehand it was going to be like this, but it doesn't make it any easier. Somehow, we never think it will happen to us. And the top has it's sore spots, yes, but it's the bottom that is killing me.  I should have kept my old one. 

Before I go any further, I want to thank you, Linda, for offering me so much hope.  Right now it feels like it will go on forever, and I will never eat again, but then I think of what you have said, and I start to feel better. It helps hearing from someone who has been through it.  I know that one day I'll have my favorite foods again.

On a positive note, I have discovered a couple of awesome new foods. I have already mentioned how much I am loving creamed spinach. and I have also discovered Amy's Yellow Lentil Soup. If you love Indian, you'll love this. Going to buy a few more today as well as a couple other kinds of Amy's soups. A bit more expensive than regular soups, but organic and as close to homemade as you can get. 

Hoping for a good weigh in today.

Have a good one.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday Ramble

"I do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good."

Jennifer Love Hewitt
Good morning everyone.  It's going to be a warm day here in Brooklyn, and the humidity is going to start creeping up again.  No plans for the day except studying.  It's hard to go to the park with my teeth like this.  Not sure what I can bring for lunch.  I'm still on soft foods.  The dentist filed both top and bottom yesterday, and I walked out feeling great with both dentures in, but by the time I was on the bus, the other side of the upper denture started feeling sore.  Sometimes I feel so disheartened, but I know this will take some time.  There's a lot of healing to do.  But pain can be so tiring, and I WANT food.  Pork chops, steaks, yum, yum.

I DID manage to do a wee bit of chewing last night so that is progress. Had my first meat since last Thursday. Nothing heavy. I make a ground beef recipe of tomato sauce, beef broth, and all kinds of seasonings which Ralph had over rice and I had with mashed potatoes. I realized that it is going to take me awhile. Have to learn how to chew all over again.

Speaking of food, lately I have been into Indian food.  My obsession started after I read Monica Bhide's book "A Life of Spice: Stories of Food, Culture and Life".  The stories were fantastic,  and the recipes were just begging me to try them.  Now Indian cuisine is right up there with my favorites--Italian, Mexican, Dominican, and Cuban.  Check out what I bought at Amazon.  

Believe me.  I have put this kit to good use.  

Have a good one.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Wee Bit of Magic

Good morning everyone.  Today I am off to the dentist.  I think what bothers me the most is the letdown, because, despite all my research....and despite the logical part of my mind expected some pain afterwards....the illogical part had me thinking that NONE of what I read was going to happen to me...especially after how good I felt the first day when I took that selfie.  But, like hubby said, of course I felt good.  It took awhile for all the novocaine to wear off, and I was walking on air because it was over.  The fact is my gums went through some serious torture.  

With that being said, I'd like to lighten this up a little.  Hard to believe that we're heading very quickly towards Lammas.  The magic of summer is now at its peak.  

One way can be learned by starting to see the magic in everything. Sometimes
it seems to be hiding but it is always there. The more we can see the magic
in one thing, a tiny flower, a mango, someone we love, then the more we
are able to see the magic in everything and in everyone.
Where does the mango stop and the sky begin?

Joshua Kadison

And my newest herbs are beginning to sprout.  Oh, the magic of the first sprouts breaking ground.  New life begins.

 Cayenne peppers

Cumin, lemon mint, winter thyme, and cilantro
 Basil, chives, and mustard seed

Borage, catnip, and lemon balm

Holy Basil.  Planted last year, it doesn't grow.  It just stays as is.  Makes me happy it does this.
his herb has been revered for its medicinal value throughout India for thousands of years. Hindus believe the plant as an incarnation of the goddess Tulsi, offering divine protection, and Ayurvedic texts describe Holy Basil as the building block of holistic herbal medicine. Today it still remains one of the most cherished of India's sacred healing plants.
Have a good one. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Update on my Mouth Surgery

Some tortures are physical
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.
Ogden Nash

Good afternoon everyone.  It's been very hot and humid here in Brooklyn.  Been spending most of my time indoors for several reasons--can't take the humidity, have lots of schoolwork to catch up on, and have been having a difficult time adjusting to the new teeth....although not as bad as some of the horror stories I have read.  To begin with, there is a sharp, knife-like piece of whatever they use to make the gums with which is slicing into my bottom gums.  Wore it to church yesterday, went to Key Food afterwards, and when I spoke with the girl at the register, it felt like a knife cutting into my gums.  Couldn't wait to get out of the store and rip it out.  The top is not so bad.  I have a small sore, but one that I can deal with until he does some filing tomorrow.

Been on a very soft food diet since last Thursday.  Yesterday, my diet consisted of oatmeal for breakfast, pea soup for lunch, and creamed spinach, chopped broccoli, and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Snacks for the day included rice pudding, yogurt, tapioca, and my fruit....cantaloupe, honeydew, strawberries and grapes....and I stuck it all in the blender.

I also eat pudding, tomato soup, and amazingly I can eat Weight Watchers American Cheese.  It's soft enough to melt in my mouth. At any rate, I will probably hit my 50 pound mark at Weight Watchers this week, but this is NOT how I wanted to do it.  Just can't wait to eat some solid food again. 

I know a couple of friends have called me, and I apologize for not calling back, but I have been talking down to a minimum until these sores in my mouth have been taken care of.  Hurts a lot to talk.  Know that I appreciate your concern and please forgive me.  It's not that I have been avoiding you guys.  

Have a good one.

Friday, July 15, 2016

It's Over.

A dentist gets to the root of the problem.

Dental Humor

Good morning everyone.  We're in for a very hot and humid day here in Brooklyn.  I'll be in for the day.  Dentist's orders.  Rest up and eat light foods for the next few days, so all I have eaten is a yogurt for dinner last night and a pudding about 8pm.  Not much of an appetite.  I should be able to hit that 50 mark next week with a few days of this....and it's exactly what the doctor ordered. (By the way, I put on .2 yesterday). 

Not much 'real' pain, only a lot of soreness. Heck, I had 8 needles and anyone who has had a tooth pulled knows the needle sites can sometimes hurt more than the extraction. And I have 6 stitches. Of course, I am on pain meds right now, and as they wear off I realize it's not as bad as I expected. Lets hope it stays that way.

The teeth themselves fit great, and I was pleasantly surprised that I could taste my yogurt. My pre op research had turned up a lot of horror stories about losing your taste for food. Have a wee bit of swelling, but not that bad. They say it is the worst on the third day so I am following orders with ice packs to keep swelling down.

The dentist told me I was a champ. First had to drill off the bridge. What he did was drill to separate each tooth. One came out with the drilling and he had to dig for the roots. After we were done he told me, "You had some bad stuff under there." Seems my teeth had been dying off throughout the years but who knew because the bridge looked great. 

So, the nightmare is over now, and although I'll have to deal with some suffering for a few days, it's over, and as Ralph said, "You will never have to go through this again."
Thanks to all of you for your support. I'm so glad I had you with me.

Have a good one.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday Check In

Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.
German Proverb

Good morning everyone.  It's going to be a hot and humid day.  This morning I am off to Weight Watchers, and afterwards comes the dental appointment I have been dreading.  In fact, the tears started to flow yesterday.  My meeting is at 10 am and is over at 11:15.  My dentist appointment is at 1pm and right around the corner from Weight Watchers.  Not really worth it to go back home. I'm hoping that my stomach is not churning so much that I am able to grab a bite to eat.  At any rate, there is a Metro PCS a few blocks down, and I have to take a walk over there and see what's up with my phone.  Been acting up terribly.  Probably time for a new one.

My latest course, "Healing with Whole Foods" is very interesting, but a bit more difficult than the others.  It combines modern western nutrition, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine.  Right now I have been studying excess and deficiency, Yin/Yang, heat versus cold and dampness, and how to identify illnesses brought on by each and food sources to help throw off the imbalance.  

Have to share this one with you.  About my hubby.  As you may know, he drives a cab to keep himself busy.  This happened the other night.  

So, hubby picks up this guy who asks how much his trip would be.. Hubby informs him that it is  $8. The guy said okay that he'd like to make it round trip. He asked hubby to wait while he ran  into the store to supposedly pick up his pay for the week.  So hubby waits.  The guy comes back and climbs into the back seat.  

They only go a couple of blocks when hubby sees two cars racing up on him. He didn't realize they were cops until they put the flashers on. Hubby pulls over to the side of the road, and several plain clothes officers approach the car and motion for him to roll down the window. His tummy was in knots.  He'd done nothing wrong, but there is always mistaken identity.. More police cars arrived. The officer says, "Put your hands where I can see them." Hubby puts his hands up and the officer says. "Not you, him,: and leans over to look at the guy in the back. 

The cops then open the back door and pull the guy out, but not before he tossed a bag of marijuana....which the cop picked up. The guy tried to say it wasn't his, but the officer said, "I just saw you toss it." They then pulled a large wad of money from the guys pocket. Hubby said he was going to ask for his fare, but thought twice out it and pulled off. It was only $8. The other drivers told them he should have asked for his fare.  The cops would have made the guy pay. Hubby thinks he must have been a drug dealer.

Never a dull moment.

Well, have a good day.  Keep me in your prayers.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Checking in

Sultry, steaming, sweltering. . . .Slow down. Or stop. It's time to shed ambition and
expectation, along with commutes, clothing, cellular phones, calendars. Now our wants
seem to diminish. Is it because our needs are met? A shady nook, a cold drink, a cool
breeze--whether indoors or out. A respite from the rigors of the day. Time off for good
behavior. Summer is not so much a season as a melody, that tune of contentment we
hum as the days begin to beautifully blur. The pursuit of happiness becomes our personal
priority this month, as the sweet strains of . . . Harmony start to be heard in our hearts.

Sarah Ban Breathnach
Good morning everyone.  Lots been happening here.  Weather is very hot and humid so I have been staying close to home doing a lot of studying.  Originally I was studying to become an HHP (Holistic Health Practitioner) but I've decided to take it further and become a Nutritional Consultant.  The three courses I am now taking are all part of that curriculum as well.  But I will need more than the original 5 courses 300 hours training time.  An NC certificate requires 720 hours of training.  Finished  Natural Therapies and got an 'A' on that one, finished Dietary Wellness and am awaiting my grade, and am now working on Healing With Whole Foods.  This has been a dream of mine for a long time, and even if I don't work afterwards, I will have fulfilled something I really wanted.

This Thursday is my big day at the dentist, and I am so scared.  I know it has to be done, and I am looking forward to being able to eat the things I enjoy again, but that don't stop my stomach from churning and my teeth from chattering.  Time to start sipping some Bach Rescue Remedy and put it to the test.

Good news.  Mr. Leadfoot  is gone.  I'm able to go to bed now and not wonder what time I was going to be awoken.  That's right.  I don't think I've told you.  About two weeks ago Mr. Leadfoot called the office and said he was 'sick of them' and wanted out of his lease.  He's the one who is doing something illegal, but he is sick of them.  Go figure.  Well, he wanted out as of July 1st.  Of course, they were glad to be rid of him and allowed him to break the lease as long as he put it in writing.  His guests stayed until the very last minute, and one hour after they left, Mr. Leadfoot came with a van and two helpers.  Took them six hours to move everything.

Got me to thinking.  Why, all of a sudden, did he want out and did it have to be on July 1st, only two weeks notice?  And where was all this furniture going?  Mr. Leadfoot has definitely been living elsewhere for awhile now, so it wasn't going there.  My thought is that he found another apartment that he believes he can make more money on and one where his guests coming in and out will not be noticed as much, and this apartment was available on the 1st.  What do you think?  At any rate, farewell to bad rubbish.

Speaking of rubbish, I hate to say wrong about Susun Weed because she is so famous, and this I am not pointing at her, but what staff she does have.  I received an email on June 17th saying my books had been sent out by mistake, and I could either send them back or keep them for $85.  Well, I told them I'd be sending them back.  Now, both UPS and USPS leave packages by my door if I am not home so to avoid not having to carry a package of 8 books to the return site, I sat home waiting.  I was hesitant to leave a note that I was refusing the package because I was expecting a couple others at the same time.

So, after a week I emailed them and asked how they were being sent so I could contact that agency. I explained that they tended to leave packages and rather than sit in and wait, I'd rather head them off at the pass.  Never did get an answer.  I was told they would check.  What?  They should know what service they use.  And I got a snippy response, " Well, we don't want you sitting in waiting for them.  Just keep the books when they come.  I'll pay for them out of my salary."  I wrote back that I didn't want that and was feeling bad, when I realized that that was another ploy to get money out of me.  The books NEVER had been sent out.  Otherwise they would have been here, even by media mail.  They were only being sent from a couple hours away. It hit me that, prior to my canceling the course, I had told them how much I wanted the books.  They probably figured that I still wanted them, and if I agreed to pay, they would ship them right out.  Well, good riddance to more bad rubbish.

And that was June, and this is July.  Looking forward to a fantastic month.

Have a good one.