Saturday, January 29, 2011

Life is Like a River

Life is like a river. There is no pre-charted way; there are no maps to be given to you which are to be followed.  Just be alive and alert, and then wheresoever life leads you go with full confidence in it. ......Allow it to lead you, don't force it. Surrender to it and allow it to lead you towards the sea. Just be alert, that is all. While life leads you towards the sea just be alert so that you don't miss anything.--Osho

May you all have a blessed weekend.  Be safe, be warm, and have fun.


  1. love the quote... enjoy your weekend as well

  2. have a lovely warm weekend.. lots of hot drinks, a lovely blanket and snuggle xo

  3. Just 'imagine' that all that snow is fairey dust. Hope you can enjoy your weekend. X.

  4. what a wonderful quotation ur page reminds me of spring the music is lovely Brightest Blessings

  5. Such true words.

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  6. Life is like a river. I like that. Great poem. Keep warm! January is almost over.
