Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Selections

Family picnics.  Generations past and future.  Memories and memories to come.
That's my Aunt Ruth sitting there with her scarf on.  This had to be back in the late 60's.  That's me sitting there near the orange bowl in my bouffant blonde hair.

That's my mom with the dark hair.  My friend Pat is sitting next to her with the bouffant hair.  I haven't seen her in about 45 years and recently tracked her down.  I was so excited.  Couldn't wait to connect with her....and then I found it.  Her obituary.  That's one thing that comes with age.  Losses.  All of the adults at this picnic aside from Joyce in the red blouse are gone now.  And sadly, one of the little girls are gone as well.

In the background with the white hair is my beloved grandfather.  I miss him so much. I've lost track of most of these younger cousins, but recently via Facebook we've been finding each other again.
Cousin Joey played the accordian so well, but as he grew up, he distanced himself from the family.  No one hears from him.  Above, is his father stretched out on the grass.  

 My granddaughter and my three great granddaughter.

 My other granddaughter.  She is expecting my 7th great grandchild in July.

 That's my son and hubby in the background.

 My three great grandsons.
 Myself holding my beautiful great granddaughter.
And 40 some years from now, my great grandchildren will be looking at old family photos of family picnics just as I am, and they will say, "That is my great great grandma, Mary".  That's how life is.  It continues onward.  I am blessed.


  1. These are such lovely family photos, Mary. Thank you for sharing them with us! You looked so cute as a little gal ;)

  2. Precious, poignant memories.
    I never knew grandparents/cousins/any relatives other than immediate family.
    You, and the generations coming, are blessed.
