Friday, March 25, 2011

Song of Proserpine

Sacred Goddess, Mother Earth,
Thou from whose immortal bosom
Gods and men and beasts have birth,
Leaf and blade, and bud and blossom,
Breathe thine influence most divine
On thine own child, Proserpine.
If with mists of evening dew
Thou dost nourish these young flowers
Till they grow in scent and hue
Fairest children of the Hours,
Breathe thine influence most divine
On thine own child, Proserpine.

- Percy Bysshe Shelley -

I'm very late today, I know.  Took off work and spent most of my time in bed.  I'm just tired today and needed some rest.  Yesterday I noticed that amidst all of this strange weather, the forsythia is beginning to stir.  Spring is finally arriving.  The picture above, the lilacs, reminds me so much of when I was young.  Grandma had the most beautiful lilac bushes; they were her favorite flower.  Ah, the fragrance, the memories that the scent of lilac instills.  Isn't it funny how little things such as a photo or a scent can trigger memories of times long past?

Wishing you all a magical weekend filled with wonder and awe, and may Spring reach out and touch all of you.


  1. I love lilacs too, I love to see the butterflies on them. Yes its always amazing to me what sparks off a memory. Hugs Sara

  2. So wise, that you took the rest you need.

    I love lilacs too, and remember them from my childhood home/yard. A very old fashioned flower, to me. When I wore scent, it was Lilac.

    So glad you see some signs of spring! I heard that there are daddodils in bloom, not too far from here, on the college campus. But this ding-dand cold and cold weather, have kept me from going looking for them.

    Btw, perhaps it's a day, for resting. Today I decided to kind of rest, on the issue of this never-ending-cold. I'm still taking stuff, of course. But I'm kind of just resting.... Instead of actively being "mad at it" and fighting it, etc. :-)

    ♥ Gentle hugs ♥

  3. Sounds like you had a relaxing day, good for you! Wishing you an awesome do what you want to do weekend!


  4. Nothing's better than a nice lie-in! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Happy Spring My Lovely Friend!

    It is good to know you are listening to your body and it being do so much! I worry about you...this weather certainly doesn't help with the barometer going up and down all of the time. I've been very tired of late and spend lots of time taking naps, reading and watching the much hated tele, but for me I've been watching movies. (Right now the Waltons are on, lol!)
    Yes, certain smells invoke memories for sure...wish I could take a whiff of Evening in Paris as I'm missing my Mother today, or the Four O'Clock flowers she loved to plant.
    Lilac is one of my favorites too! :) Rest well Dear Mary and I will talk with you again soon.
    All My Love,

  6. Today I could hold out no longer and napped from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
    Hope your day off refreshes you m/f.

  7. I noticed the forsythia yesterday too. Always a cheer me up flower.

    I have two lilac bushes. One purple one white. I sit outside and just enjoy their perfume and watch the bees buzzing busily. I like opening the windows so I can smell them at night. One of my favorites as well. These are the things that are helping me get out of this funk. Spring, flowers, the warm weather, the beach.
