Saturday, April 6, 2024

It's Saturday and I Really Don't Want to Go Out

 Yesterday's earthquake is the talk of the town.  4.8 about 60 miles away in New Jersey.  I was just signing into the center when the rumbling started. At first we thought it was the boiler about to blow up, but then we realized it was an earthquake. And then a few aftershocks throughout the night.

Well, here I was all set to close down my coloring class and I ended up having a fairly nice crowd yesterday.  Turns out that not everyone wants to exercise.  So I guess I will keep it going awhile longer.  

Made some pickled beets yesterday.  Had the urge.  Was thinking of pickling some eggs.  Should have, but next time.  I'm the only one that eats this so it will last me awhile.

Also made some buttered chicken.  Was supposed to be chicken chunks, but legs were so reasonable.  It's about the only reasonable meat out there. 

Had both with a salad.  I try to eat a salad every day.    

I'm off to do a bit of grocery shopping in awhile.  Just need the regular staples this week. I really don't want to go.  Felt like calling in my order, but decided I'll keep that $5 they charge to shop for me.  It's okay in nasty weathe, but there is no need for call in today.  It might be chilly, but it's clear.  And probably I can get away without cooking.  Have enough food in the freezer.  A restful weekend ahead.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. I know I'D prefer to colour instead of exercising, lol!

  2. My husband was teaching when the aftershock hit our area, and he thought it was the teacher upstairs prepping the band. At home, pots rattled and a potted plant hit the floor. So weird, an earthquake affecting New York.

  3. Hooray for restful weekends. And yum on the pickled beets.

  4. I eat a lot of chicken legs for the same reason. I've found a lot of different ways to make them but this is a new one for me. I'll have to look up a recipe because it looks really good.

  5. Buttered chicken and salad sounds good.

    All the best Jan

  6. Oh, my goodness, or shall I say, wickedness, whichever, that food looks delicious!

  7. Stopping by to say hello, hoping all is well.

    All the best Jan
