Tuesday, May 24, 2016

And More Fun

What greater blessing to give thanks for at a family gathering than the family and the gathering.

Robert Brault

Good morning. Weather is warming up here,  but we have lots of rain today.  Guess I will be staying in again.  Hopefully the books for one of my classes will arrive today.  I am so anxious to begin with my courses. 

Not all family could be there on Thursday. My grandson Scott had a wedding, and my daughter's husband could not fly out until Friday eve after work. So, on Saturday they packed into a car and headed for my house. This was something I had only fantasized about. Never thought it would happen, but dreams can and do come true. My granddaughters had flown out to a wedding on Friday morning so they were unable to attend. 

So, on Friday I did all the shopping for the party and put the sauce on.  Simmered it all day. 
Also did the last minute cleanup and baked the cake.
I made a huge pan of lasagne and a special cake.
 The lasagne got to him.
 This is me and Mary Ann, my daughter's childhood friend.  I remember going swimming in her pool.
Jerry and his sister digging in.
 Me, Mary Ann, Lisa and Jerry.
 My grandson Scott and his son Damian.
 Mary Ann, Jerry, and Lisa.
 A family picture.
 Me, my grandson, and my great grandson.
 Me, Lisa and Jerry.
 All of us outside my building.

All and all it was a perfect week, one I shall cherish forever.  I'm am so blessed to have them all in my life again.  Not everyone gets a second chance.

Have a good one. 


  1. Lasagna . . . cake . . . family . . . the best of times!

  2. Lots and lots of happy moments to cherish. Which is lovely.

  3. I'm so happy for you my friend.
