Friday, March 16, 2012


Lord most giving and resourceful,
I implore you;
make it your will
that this people enjoy
the goods and riches you naturally give,
that naturally issue from you,
that are pleasing and savory,
that delight and comfort,
though lasting but briefly,
passing away as if in a dream.

--Aztec Prayer from the 1500's--

Wishing you all a weekend filled with love and laughter. I'm going to be busy with my shopping and cooking on Saturday, but on Sunday, I plan to enjoy every last minute of it. I am wishing the same for you.


  1. The weather is supposed to be fabulous this weekend. Hope it is where you are! Enjoy!

  2. Sending (((hugs)))and wishes for your wekend to be as nice as you wished for us. Pat

  3. Thank you for your wish. And wishing the same back for you.

    "It's spring fever....
    You don't quite know what it is you DO want,
    but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"

    ~Mark Twain

  4. So happy to hear that you are planning on taking a day to do nothing but enjoy! Have fun and enjoy Spring! Love you!


  5. Enjoy! We're planning on some boardwalk time and The Lorax.

  6. Beautiful prayer Mary...

    Be good to yourself this weekend and enjoy the wonderful weather! :)

    Sending healing thoughts your way!
