Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Roundup

Oh what a week it was.  The temperature and humidity were oppressive for most of it.  I stayed in as much as possible. It's feeling a bit cooler this morning, but still humid.   Hoping that we have seen the end of it, but I doubt it. Summer is fighting hard to stay this year.  She may just decide to pop up again.  

Tuesday I stayed in to prepare for my first day of class.  I was so excited that  I was like a little kid preparing to go back to school after a long summer.  It was only a month but I wanted to wear a new outfit, had my new bag out, packed all my yarn and knitting looms, polished my nails, and colored my hair.  Actually, I'd bought the outfit a couple months back but didn't have an opportunity to wear it.  Clothes got a lot of use last year because even during Autumn break I spent time at the park, but with the weather we have been having, I've just stayed in in my house dresses. 

I was so happy to get back to class.   I've missed participating in activities, and missed seeing my friends.  It seems all of us had much the same kind of summer with the weather keeping us in most of the time.  I'm proud of myself.  I did the whole hour of qigong, but I chose not to stay for dance.  I just don't want to push my body too much right now.  I did learn the very beginnings of loom knitting. 
It's actually fun.  This is going to be knee warmers for my great niece.  I'd wanted to make hats for everyone, but the teacher said I needed to use a bigger loom for that.  Darn, I knew I should have brought them all.  But, this is okay.  I think she'll like them. Plus, now that I know the stitches, I can start another one at home.  Next week we are going to spend the first two hours doing this, then crochet.  I used to do that a long time ago and really need to brush up.  One good thing with all this is it keeps my fingers moving and helps with the arthritis.

I felt great when I left on Wednesday.  Was pretty much able to walk normally, but the next morning?  I'm hoping it's just that I hadn't done the exercises for awhile, but I woke up with so much pain in my back...and my left knee had a burning pain all day.  Let's see what happens next week.  Monday I plan on line dancing.

My granddaughter had a modeling job this week.  She is so beautiful.

I was thinking about not going to my WW meeting on Thursday because this is the first week of the month, a day that I MUST get on the scale.  I've not been good this month, and I admit it, so I thought maybe if i had an extra week of low point foods, I wouldn't go over and wouldn't have to pay.  But I decided that running away from the scale is the wrong thing to do.  One has to face up to their mistakes if they hope to succeed.  Fortunately, I made it by the skin of my teeth.  We are allowed to go 2 pounds under or 2 pounds over our goal weight.  I was exactly 2 pounds over.  This next month will definitely be different.

Looking forward to a quiet weekend. I have absolutely no plans.

Have a good one.


  1. Yay to the classes restarting!!! I love that you are so active and busy!!!

    Are they calling for the cool front for you guys like they are saying we are getting in D.C.?

  2. So neat that your granddaughter is a model! And loom knitting looks very cool -- I've seen those contraptions at the craft store and wondered how they worked.

  3. I know exactly what you mean about the nasty humid weather we have been having all summer long!! I pray that fall gives us all a huge break and is much, much better!

    Great job on your knitting, very cool. I have never actually learned how to do that. Only crocheting because my nana taught me when I was young.

    Your grand-daughter is beautiful. Gorgeous photos!

    1. What a wonderful way to spend the colder months...knitting! I have never knitted but my youngest daughter does and she taught herself!
      Don't let WW rule your life. You sound as if you have your own willpower. We all gorge ourselves occasionally. I don't like that you would have to pay money if you gain weight. Do they give you money if you lose it :) The stress of a limited 2 pounds either "weigh", pun intended, would make me eat more :)
      You are to nice of a person to have so much stress and pain.

      Take care and big hugs~

    2. Oops!!! Forgot to say how beautiful your granddaughter is. She is perfect for modeling~

  4. I hope and trust that the pain IS just from getting back to exercise. It always appalls me how fast we lose our flexibility, and how hard we have to work to get it back again.
    I am so glad that your courage in facing the WWW scale wasn't punished. A reminder, but not a painful one.

  5. I am so sorry about the pain you are going through! That is so cool how you are knitting! I can't wait to see the knee warmers finished. Happy for your granddaughter! She is beautiful! Big hugs!

  6. Your granddaughter is gorgeous!!! Beautiful photography, too!! It did her justice!
    I need to do some crochet! I did that some years ago and have tried knitting but I am a dud at that! I am going back to crochet!
