The good you find in others, is in you too.
The faults you find in others, are your faults as well.
After all, to recognize something you must know it.
The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well.
The beauty you see around you, is your beauty.
The world around you is a reflection,
a mirror showing you the person you are.
To change your world, you must change yourself.
To blame and complain will only make matters worse.
Whatever you care about, is your responsibility.
What you see in others, shows you yourself.
See the best in others, and you will be your best.
Give to others, and you give to yourself.
Appreciate beauty, and you will be beautiful.
Admire creativity, and you will be creative.
Love, and you will be loved.
Seek to understand, and you will be understood.
Listen, and your voice will be heard.
Teach, and you will learn.
Show your best face to the mirror,
and you'll be happy with the face looking back at you.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. April showers will be headed this way tomorrow and Sunday, but I'll be busy in the kitchen. These cooking weekends seem to be coming so quickly now. I wish there was a way to slow time down, but, since I can't, just might as well make the best of it. Speaking of time...
....the other night after I went to bed, hubby was watching a show about scientists searching for the Fountain of Youth. Accordingly, they found an enzyme, the telomerase enzyme, which supposedly can make cells young again. Unfortunately, it has also been implicated in encouraging cancer. So, we'll have to wait and see what the future holds. Think about it, though. Would you really want to live forever?
Happy Weekend wishes.