Wednesday, February 8, 2012


The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within."
- William C. Bryant -

My goodness.  Hard to believe, isn't it?  We're already into the second week of February.  I don't know about you, and maybe it is because of out weather, but this year I am really feeling Spring on its way. 

According to the Georgian calendar, February is the second month of the year; it also the shortest month. February carries with it the promise that Spring will soon return. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the seasonal equivalent of August in the Northern Hemisphere. In common years the month has 28 days in leap years it has 29 days. Leap year occurs every 4 years (when the year is divisible by 4). There is an ancient legend that Augustus Caesar took a day from February and added it to August (the month named after him) in order to make it as long as the month names after Julius Caesar and that is how February ended up with 28 days. 

February is believed to have been derived from the Latin word 'februa' which means cleansing or purification, and reflects the purification ritual undertaken before Spring. The month is named after the Roman god, Februus, a god of purification and death, and the feast of Februalia. This month is shared by the astrological signs of Aquarius the Water Bearer and Pisces, the Two Fishes. Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Other common names include Storm Moon and Hunger Moon.

The birthstone for February is the Amethyst. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning 'without drunkenness', and throughout history the amethyst has been used to guard against drunkenness; it is thought to be helpful in overcoming addiction.  According to Greek myth, the Roman god of wine, Bacchus, tried to seduce the virgin nymph Amethyst whom he loved but who did not return his feelings. When Amethyst cried out to Goddess Diana for help, she immediately turned the girl into a white, shimmering stone (quartz). Driven by guilt about his behavior, remorse at its terrible consequences and grief for his love lost, He poured over the pure white crystalline form of Amethyst his most exquisite wine, saturating it until it became the purple quartz that is now known as Amethyst.

It is also used as a dream stone and to help those who suffer from insomnia. Placing an amethyst under one's pillow is believed to bring about pleasant dreams. Known as the 'Stone of Spirit' or the 'Stone of Integrity,' Amethyst has been long associated with purity and piety. Because of this, it has also been called the 'Bishop's Stone' and is still worn by Catholic Bishops.  It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius.  It is the stone of the Buddha, and in Tibet it is popularly used in the making of prayer beads called Mala beads which are used in the practice of meditation.

The flower for the month of February is the iris which is Greek for rainbow. It was named after the Greek Goddess who is considered the messenger love and uses the rainbow to travel. Iris's come in many colors. Each color symbolizes different feelings. White iris flowers symbolize purity and kindness. Yellow iris flowers symbolize passion, blue iris flowers symbolize faith and purple iris flowers are considered a sign of wisdom and royalty.

An alternate flower for February is the violet. It represents faithfulness, modesty and virtue. Violets represent faithfulness and 'I return your love'. As the legend of St. Valentine goes, this Christian priest used the ink made from crushed violet blossoms that grew outside his prison cell to write notes of love and friendship. He wrote these words on violet leaves. These notes were delivered to St. Valentine's friends via the elegant bird of love, the dove. Violets were once the most popular flower on Valentine's Day; however, roses are an enduring symbol of deep love.   It is thought that to dream of violets predicts advancement in life. 

The day is ending,
The night is descending;
The marsh is frozen,
The river dead.

Through clouds like ashes
The red sun flashes
On village windows
That glimmer red.

The snow recommences;
The buried fences
Mark no longer
The road o’er the plain;

While through the meadows,
Like fearful shadows,
Slowly passes
A funeral train.

The bell is pealing,
And every feeling
Within me responds
To the dismal knell;

Shadows are trailing,
My heart is bewailing
And tolling withinLike a funeral bell.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Afternoon in February -


  1. I sure could have used an Amethyst on my last girls night out. Oy vay.

  2. Good Morning Sister...very informative post today. :) My Son and Grandaughter were born this Son on Valentine's Day. :)
    I just may have to break down and gift them both a nice piece of amethyst. Especially my Little Dolly, as she is so drawn to what I'm all about, lol. She's definitely my little girl!
    Hope this finds you feeling better today...I so wish you could retire and stay at home!!!
    Till then, I send you good energies and lots of healing Love Mary!
    Radiant Blessings Sister!!!

  3. Oh what a lovely story, about the Feb. Birthstone!

    And unlike so many, I don't wish for or even anticipate another Season, while still in the present Season.

    Naturally, it's much easier for me, living north of you, where the morning temp was 22 degrees today.


    "Successful marriage
    is leading innovative lives together,
    being open, non-programed.
    It's a free fall: how you handle
    each new thing as it comes along."

    ~Joseph Campbell

  4. Spring is coming, and a poem like that is just right in bringing in the new season. :) Nice post.

  5. I love the story about Amethyst. I'm a violet fan, myself. Must try to make some violet flower ink this Spring - a project with the neices perhaps!
