Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Roundup

Hard to believe, isn't it?  An entire week has passed by in the flash of an eye.  It's been a quiet week for me.   It's been up and down with weather, starting with a beautiful Monday, then a rainy Tuesday, and finally a steady flow of more than one day of springlike weather.  In fact, it's going to be summer weather today, 85 degrees and sultry, so at this point, I am pretty sure I am going to pack my bag and head to the park.  

On Monday I had an experience with synchronicity.  I guess that's what you can say it was.  The previous Monday I had left later, but ended up making it just as dance was starting, and despite back problems, I couldn't stop myself from joining in.  Told myself that I would only do what I could, but then once I started, I just HAD to do every dance.  Paid for it the next day, too.  Pain was back in full force.

So this week I decided to leave the house even later.  It worked, too.  Got there 20 minutes before meditation was about to begin and sat down on one of the benches in the hallway to wait for dance class to be over.  Then it hit me.  No music.  What?  Surely Cynthia had not given them that long of a break.   She's a go, go, go facilitator which is why I love her.  Turns out that dance class had been canceled at the last minute.  Cynthia had called in sick, the ONE time she has called out in a year, and they could not get a replacement in time.  Had I gone earlier, I would have ended up waiting for an hour before meditation begins.

Tuesday I stayed in.  The sun was shining brightly when I got up, but by 10 am the clouds had taken over, and it was obvious the rain was coming.  Wednesday I decided to take off from class.  We have no classes next week so I decided to take this extra day for my back.  When I return in June I want to be able to put my all into it without worrying about kind of damage I will do. 

Got two new crystals this week. Really do have to stay away from the Wednesday evening flash sales.  Definitely going to make a conscious effort this week.  I mean like, where do I put them all.  You wouldn't believe how many I have.  They just look so pretty and I have such hopes in using them, that I cannot resist. 

Flourite slab.  Helps align and balance the upper chakras.  Use for focus, clairity, and positive energy.

Indigo Gabbro palmstone.  Works to bring balance to every area.  Enhances energy work and intuitive abilities.  Inspires focus and mental clarity. 

Made a nice chicken salad for Wednesday.  Just didn't feel much like a hot dinner.  I make lots of use of that Purdue cooked chicken breasts and always keep on hand.  Served it with some sliced tomatoes and cucumbers drenched in the Sesame Ginger dressing I love so much. 
Purdue grilled chicken strips, diced some celery and red onion, added a dollop of mayonnaise, and sprinkled in some black pepper and curry powder.

Last night we had grilled chicken and yucca with red onions.  I love yucca and it is a very good anti-inflammatory.  My mother-in-law had terrible arthritis in her knees.  She was 86 then, and it all seemed hopeless.  Then, I turned her on to yucca.  However, one cannot eat enough of it, so to get a therapeutic dosage, I take two yucca capsules every day.
Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Love your new crystals, they are hard to resist! Sounds like your weather is pretty similar to ours. We are supposed to have mid-80's here today as well!

    Your recipes always look so delicious! You had asked me about how much more weight I need to lose, I have to get down five more pounds to get back to where I was before I gained my weight back. Sounds easy, but I assure you it is not. LOL!

    Have a terrific weekend!

  2. I've been eating cold food all week too, or food that I can heat on top of the stove or in the microwave instead of the oven, because we're in the midst of a heatwave.

  3. Love your crystals. We had a busy, stressful week. I am hoping for a very quiet one next week (though the first few days are already packed).
