Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday and Another Daily Prompt

Take time to contemplate -
away from the opinions and influence of others -
what you really want
and what you believe to be important in your life.

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Good morning. Spring was here for a couple days, and I guess she decided it wasn't time because she left just as quickly as she arrived. It sure is cold out there today...20 least 40 degrees less than it was yesterday. March is always such a turbulent month. I'm staying home today. I've been running about for almost two weeks now, and it's time to just relax and chill out in my home. Tomorrow will be warmer, and I'll head on out someplace. I'll figure out where when the time comes. I never go to the Center on Fridays. It is one of those down days over there so I use it to run my errands. Besides, they always serve fish on Fridays, and the only fish I eat is tuna.

So my sister-in-law will be having surgery this morning. The doctors are going to do their best to remove the mass on her kidney, but if they cannot get it all, they will have to take the kidney. Guess that means it has not spread. The fluid around her heart is basically a side effect from the kidneys and the doctors have been able to drain most of it. Please join me today in praying for a successful surgery.

I am really enjoying these Daily Prompts. They make one take time to think about their lives rather than just rattling on about nothin. The Daily Prompt for today is 'If You Leave'...

Life is a series of beginnings and endings. We leave one job to start another; we quit cities, countries, or continents for a fresh start; we leave lovers and begin new relationships. What was the last thing you contemplated leaving? What were the pros and cons? Have you made up your mind? What will you choose?

This was an easy one for me.  Retirement.  It was both an ending and a beginning for me, and it wasn't a decision I made lightly.  Actually, I had really wanted to retire a year prior to when I did, but then hubby was diagnosed with Stage 3 emphysema and was no longer able to work.  Losing his income was a huge blow, and SSD was giving him such a hard time, so I made the decision to keep working as long as I could.  And I took it for as long as possible.

Not only  was it becoming more and more dangerous, but my health was affected as well.  My blood pressure was sky high, and although I rarely talk about my fibro, the pain was becoming so great that that long walk to and from the subway became like torture.  By February of 2012 I knew I couldn't go on much longer.  So, I bought a notebook and began my research.  New York City has a website called ACCESS.  You type in all your information, and the site lists all the benefits you are entitled to.  I discovered there were many services for seniors that I'd never even heard about so I read about each one and downloaded all the necessary forms.  I was totally prepared, but things don't always go as planned, and you all know about the difficult time I had.  

The only con I can list about leaving my job is the cut is the pay cut.  I bring in half the money I used to, but I also don't spend as much money.  And I've never wanted the 'world'.  I'm content just to have a roof over my head, food to eat, bills paid, and a good book to read.  I don't need to buy breakfast anymore, no need for work clothes, and haven't been on a dirty old subway since July.  Oh, yes, it was rough for awhile, but that never took the joy out of having choices.  Do I want to sleep in?  Do I want to go to the Center, or would I rather stay home and hang out in my jammies today?  

Yes, despite all the difficulties life is good, and I would trade where I am today for where I was a year ago for any amount of money.  Today I have friends.  I participate in social activities.  Today I am in love with life.

Wishing you all a fantastic day.


  1. Oh I love days like that. I hope I have one soon. It's very dark here today, no snow but had lots of rain. I am counting the minutes till spring. I will include your sister in law in my healing prayers.

  2. Snowed 2.2 inches here. Enuff already!
    Love fish....most kinds anyway. Had some broiled haddock for lunch today.
    SERIOUSLY trying to loose weight.
    Can't wait til our sidewalks are clear of snow so I can walk.
    Always something to look forward to.
    Yes,life is good!
