Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday Share

The following info is from my  Holistic Healing class.  Hope you find it helpful.

We should drink one ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of body weight.

Apple Cider vinegar helps digestion, bloating, gas, and heartburn.

Aging weakens our digestion.  Taking Dietary enzymes BEFORE or AFTER meals is important.

Amino Acids should be taken on an empty stomach. One hour BEFORE or two hours AFTER a meal.

Herbs should be taken WITH meals.

The amino acid, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) helps with lung conditions such as COPD.

For Macular Degeneration, eat kale every day to keep it from progressing.

Bromelain helps reduce pain, is a natural blood thinner, and interferes with growth of cancer cells.
For osteoarthritis...2000 GDU suggested 2 hours AFTER meals. (GDU is Gelatin Digesting Unit.  MUST say 2000 GDU)

Chasteberry to normalize periods, reduce menstrual cramps and PMS, and for hot flashes.

Echinacea fights bacterial and viral infections.   Powerful immune booster.  Reduces symptoms of colds and flu.

Echinacea/Goldenseal tea for high fevers. Reduces fever in about 20 minutes.  Not to be taken by someone allergic to ragweed or with autioimmune D/O.  And do not use more than one week.

Elderberry fights viral infections, reduces coughs and congestion.  Comes in 500 mg capsules.

Ginger is anti-viral and anti-inflammatory.  May prevent TIA's (minor strokes) and improve circulation.  Lowers blood pressure, fever, and cholesterol.  Whenever we have a cold, we make a big pot of ginger tea--fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks, cloves, lemon, and honey to sweeten.  Knocks it right out.

Hawthorn is similar to ACE Inhibitors.  It is a natural treatment for heart disease. Comes in 200-500 mg tablets.  Take 3X per day in divided doses.

Copper is good for mental health. Check copper level if you are depressed.

B6 for Carpal Tunnel...100mg per day.

WarningVitamin E might increase blood pressure.

Antibiotic means 'against life'.  Anti (against) biotic (life)

Minerals should not be taken with fiber.  It reduces mineral absorption.  Take on an EMPTY stomach.


  1. Some very informative stuff! Thanks!!

  2. Lots to absorb here (get it? get it? LOL)

  3. Great info - thank you for sharing! I take B complex, biotin, iron, and usually C and D but for me, remembering to take pills every day two hours before or two hours after a meal is just not realistic sometimes so I normally do not bother anymore. :)

  4. I shudder to think how much water that means I should be drinking. And undoubtedly fail.

  5. Thanks for posting this, interesting to read.

    All the best Jan

  6. thank you for your useful info...
    have a great day
