Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday This and That

Spent a lot of time this weekend planning.  Have to get my food intake back on track in July as well as get more movement in. Trouble is, I've tried getting back into exercise, even the seated exercises, and it just leaves my body in pain so I really have to try to get a lot more walking in.

This is a really great book.  Lots of good info to get you started and to keep you going.  The book is divided into eight parts, covering every phase of walking, keeping cool in the heat, winterizing your program, how to pick out proper shoes, finding the best place and the best time, tips for rainy days, allergies, etc.  Lots of great positive thoughts. 

Already started a walking program.   On Saturday I did lots of running around. I came home exhausted. Got more walking in than usual. First I walked from my house to the subway station to put money on my card and then back on down to the bus stop--1 very long avenue and 7 shorter blocks. Caught the bus and made my WW meeting which I am glad I did. Enjoyed it very much and it helped to get me back on track.  The topic was "All or Nothing Thoughts".  I raised my hand and spoke about my downward spiral and the difficulty I was having getting back on track.  Did me a world of good to say it out loud.

Then I caught the bus that goes from 5th Avenue to 18th Avenue. When I got off I walked 12 blocks to get to the bank and the stores I had to go to. Did some shopping in Walgreens and C Town and then headed home. I think that was enough for one day.  In all I walked 19 blocks, 1 long avenue, and the walking I did in the stores.

Started on the Mediterranean diet.  Oatmeal for lunch, tuna salad on whole wheat for lunch, and the following dinners....

Saturday night was a salad with romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, red bell pepper, grilled chicken and avocado.  I used Walton Farms no sugar added Italian dressing.  Delicious and filling.

Made this easy 3 bean salad.  Served it with spicy refried beans, and grilled chicken.  Both meals were 0 point meals.  

Sunday I did lots and lots of housework...including some de-cluttering.  I find it really difficult to decide what to keep and what to let go, but it has to be done.  Today I'm off to the center.

Have a good one.


  1. Replies
    1. Let's hope I can keep it up. Today is my first meal at the center. LOL!!!

  2. Fantastic start!!!
    You are doing everything right Mary.
    You are an inspiration to us all 💮

    1. Thanks Jan. I have to get myself back down again.

  3. Great job with the walking!!! You can do it! Just take the breaks you need for your body during the walking!

    1. I just wish they had more benches out there, but I grabbed a break or two when I could. Only sat for a couple minutes though.

  4. Great job on the walking. Walking and swimming are about the only exercises I can do.
    Those dinners look good too.

    1. I wish I could swim, but these city pools sort of turn me off.

  5. Well done on the walking, it really is a good form of exercise and can be so enjoyable.
    Love the look of your food, especially the salad.

    All the best Jan

    1. Walking is about the only exercise I can do now, and I enjoy it.

  6. Walking is the best exercise and when the weather is good, it can be so enjoyable. I use a Fitbit which keeps me aware of how I am doing. I try to walk a little more every day.

    1. I have to get a Fitbit. I have wanted one for awhile now but haven't been able to walk much.

  7. Good for you! I'm proud of you! Great start Mary! Big Hugs!
